Winter rosewood tree - what you have to pay attention to!

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The rosewood tree does not tolerate cold temperatures. Here you can find out what to consider when overwintering the jacaranda.

The impressive blue-violet blossom of the rosewood tree lights up the metropolises in South Africa and even heralds the start of the Christmas season in Australia, which is even sung about in a song. In Johannesburg alone there are more than 70,000 jacaranda trees, which were imported from South America in the late 19th century. In our latitudes, rosewood trees are rather rare. This is not least due to the fact that the trees cannot be cultivated outdoors all year round in the harsh German climate. But the trumpet tree is also attractive as a container plant and is an eye-catcher on the balcony and terrace during the summer months. You should heed the following tips and advice so that you can get the fast-growing exotic species well over the winter.

When can the rosewood tree go outside?

The plant can spend the summer outdoors without hesitation. A bright and sunny location is ideal. However, the blazing midday sun is less tolerated by the plants. The plants are at home in the subtropics and are therefore particularly sensitive to cold. As soon as it gets permanently colder than ten degrees in autumn, it's time for the Jacaranda to move indoors. In spring, you should definitely wait until after the ice saints. Depending on the weather, the trees should not be put outdoors before the end of May or the beginning of June.

What should be considered during the winter?

From the end of October to the end of January, a period of dormancy has begun for the plants. The plants are then watered only sporadically and receive no fertilizer.

Tip: The soil should not dry out even in the winter quarters. Therefore, the plant should be checked regularly and watered if necessary.

The ideal winter quarters have a temperature of 15 to 17 degrees. The jacaranda should overwinter brightly. Ideal locations are a heated greenhouse or conservatory. Since not every plant lover can offer these winter quarters, the living room or the heated hallway can also serve as alternatives. It is important that the plant receives sufficient light and not in the immediate vicinity of theheater is placed.

When should the move to the winter quarters take place?

As already mentioned, the plant does not tolerate a permanent drop in temperature below ten degrees. This suggests that the move date is already in late summer. However, plant experts believe it is better to postpone the move a little longer. Contrary to the general assumption, rosewood trees can actually tolerate lower temperatures for a short time, even down to the single-digit minus range. Due to the slowly falling temperature values, the plant experiences a hardening. In any case, by the beginning of October at the latest, it will be time to move to the winter quarters.

What happens if the plant is exposed to prolonged cold?

You should not dare this experiment, because it would definitely mean the end of the plant. Persistent low temperatures would cause the water in the plant cells to freeze. The cell walls would be ruptured and the plant could no longer be saved. It is therefore better not to experiment and rather to move to the warm winter quarters in good time instead of hardening yourself.

Yearly course for the rosewood tree

  • Moving outdoors from mid-May
  • Summer on the balcony or terrace
  • Move to winter quarters by October
  • Wintering at about 15 degrees

When the move outside can take place should depend on the respective weather conditions. From mid-May it should be guaranteed that the temperatures will no longer drop below ten degrees permanently. The move should be done gradually and carefully. Do not immediately expose the plant to full sun. First choose a shady spot and after about a week move the tub to the desired warm sunny spot.

The jacaranda tree can spend the summer on balconies and terraces. The plant should be protected from direct sunlight and watered regularly. To prevent the wind from knocking over the tree, the plant pots should have a certain weight. Terracotta is ideal for this.

If the temperatures permanently fall below ten degrees, the move to the winter quarters is imminent. You should also do this step by step. So the plant first wanders into the shade for a few days before it is finally allowed to move indoors.

Overwintering rosewood trees - all facts at a glance


  • The plant should move into the house by October at the latest.
  • The fallIf temperatures are permanently below ten degrees, the palisander tree cannot survive outdoors and should therefore be brought indoors earlier.


  • The ideal temperature in the winter quarters is 15 degrees.
  • The plants should be bright.
  • The conservatory or a heated greenhouse are very suitable.
  • Dry heating air doesn't get to the plants.


  • Even in the winter quarters, the plant must not dry out.
  • Once the top layer of soil has dried, it is watered lightly.
  • Don't fertilize in the winter quarters.
  • Frequent spraying increases humidity.

The right care in winter quarters

The rosewood tree must not be left to its own devices in winter quarters. Regular monitoring is important in order to assess water requirements and to check the plant for any damage. If the plant sheds its leaves, this indicates a care error. Usually the jacaranda is too dark or has not been watered enough. To keep the leaves from drying out, you should spray the rosewood tree more frequently.

Tip: The palisander tree is not mulched in winter. You can use the thumb test to better determine the water requirement.