There is nothing wrong with bringing exotic charm to the balcony or terrace with bougainvillea. Proper care is important though.
The small shrubs are not only eager climbers, they also fascinate with their apparently lush, colorful flowers. The plant can be forgiven for the fact that these are just colorful bracts, which enclose the rather inconspicuous flowers, because the viewer quickly dreams of vacation in the south when looking at them. We provide all the necessary care instructions so that the triplet will soon attract admiration in your garden. But first of all, we will introduce you to the most beautiful bougainvillea species.
The most beautiful bougainvillea species
The plant genus Bougainvillea was first described by Philibert Commerson in the late 18th century. The name was based on Louis Antoine de Bougainville. The French navigator discovered the first specimen during a circumnavigation of the world in South America. The gardener Karl Ruser made a valuable contribution to the spread of exotic plants in Europe. Almost 20 species are known today. Some particularly attractive varieties are described below.
❍ Bougainvillea spectabilis 'Jamaica White':
With its white bracts, this variety offers a great contrast to the green of the leaves. The plant is quite easy to cultivate as a climber or as a shrub.
❍ Bougainvillea x buttiana 'Barbara Karst':
If you are looking for a particularly vigorous plant, this is the place for you. Growth heights of up to five meters can be reached. This variety enchants with its red pseudo-flowers between May and September.
❍ Bougainvillea glabra 'Variegata':
This variety is particularly pretty to look at. In addition to the reddish-purple bracts, this is also ensured by the yellow-green foliage.
Water the bougainvillea properly
The water requirement of the plants can be rated as moderate. Since waterlogging is not tolerated under any circumstances, a little finesse is required when watering. Waterlogging leads to root rot in bougainvillea particularly quickly. The plants are then no longer closedsave.
The boletus also resents a lack of water, but it will recover if it is watered enough. If too little is poured, the miracle flower plants throw off their leaves. This is unsightly, but no reason to worry, if the hobby gardener changes his watering behavior, new shoots will soon appear.
In order for the plants to develop well and bloom profusely, an even supply of water is important. The soil should always feel slightly damp, but never wet.
Leaf drop also occurs in cool winter quarters. Watering is to be severely restricted here. Monthly watering is usually sufficient. In spring, the plant will reliably sprout again.
Fertilize bougainvillea properly
During the growth period, the triplet flowers should be fertilized regularly. This ensures he althy growth and rich flowering. Commercial flowering plant fertilizer can be used weekly. If you add compost to the potting soil, you ensure a natural fertilizer that provides sufficient nutrients in the first year. The plants are also very good if they are occasionally watered with nettle manure. The plants are not fertilized during the winter months.
How to promote flowering
The right care naturally aims to experience the triplet in full bloom. The hobby gardener must know that the bougainvillea only produces small, inconspicuous white flowers. What catches our eye and what makes the plant so popular are the strikingly colorful bracts that enclose the small flowers. The actual flowers last only a few days, but the color of the bracts can last all summer with proper care.
⇒ These measures promote flowering:
- protected location
- a lot of warmth
- lots of sun
- sufficient watering
- regular fertilization
⇒ These measures damage the flowers:
- dark stand
- Downpours
- Shadow
- Waterlogging
- too little water
Propagating bougainvillea correctly
Anyone who already owns a plant and takes good care of it will soon be able to propagate it. In the case of bougainvillea, this is usually done by taking top cuttings. Proceed as follows:
Top cuttings are obtained in early spring. You can combine this with transplanting the triplet flower. The cuttings should be 15 to 20 feet longpossess centimeters. To speed up rooting, you can treat the cut surface with a growth hormone. The cutting is then placed in a container filled with potting soil and placed in a bright and warm location.
If you don't have a mini greenhouse available for cultivation, you can create a similar climate by covering the planter with a plastic hood. The temperature should remain constant at around 24 degrees. The cuttings should have rooted in about eight weeks. After another four to six weeks, you can transfer the plants to larger planters. Reading tip: Planting Bougainvillea - Important information on location, soil & tips for transplanting.
Detect diseases and pests on bougainvillea
If you follow the care instructions given, you will be able to enjoy he althy and strong plants and will rarely be confronted with diseases or pests. However, if the plant has problems, it doesn't stay behind the mountain for long, but indicates via its leaves that there has been a care error:
Leaf Fall:
If there is radical leaf fall, the plant was either not watered enough or is too wet. This is easily verified by observing the substrate.
If there was a watering error, the triplet flower will usually regenerate quite quickly. If there was waterlogging, the roots have usually already started to rot and there is usually no rescue for the bougainvillea.
Leaf discolouration:
If the lush green foliage changes color, there is usually a lack of nutrients, which can be compensated for by appropriate fertilizer application. If the leaf has turned yellow, it is usually due to a lack of nitrogen. If the leaf veins remain green but the rest of the leaf turns yellow, this indicates an iron deficiency.
Wrong choice of location can attract aphids. Especially in the winter quarters, it happens that the pests spread on the plant if it is too dark. Regular inspection of the plants is essential in order to be able to recognize the pest infestation in good time and to be able to react accordingly. Aphids can usually be eliminated completely without chemicals. It is often enough to shower the plant with a hard jet of water. Injecting nettle manure (instructions for making nettle manure yourself) is also quite effective.
Plants with rotten flowers:
If the plant does not show the desired flowers, it is not necessarilyaffected by an illness, but shows signs of deficiency. The most important components should be checked: location, hydration and nutritional requirements. If the plant is bright and warm, is sufficiently watered and fertilized regularly, it shouldn't take long to flower.