Fenugreek as a spice is well known to lovers of Asian cuisine. Medicinally, fenugreek is a versatile medicinal plant.
Fenugreek is a crop that has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Fenugreek is primarily native to Africa, India, China and Australia. But the herbaceous plant, which found its way to us from Greece around the 9th century, is also known in Germany. Fenugreek is therefore also referred to here as Greek hay, derived from the Latin name Trigonella foenum-graecum. The horny seeds gave their name to the legume family, which is also known under the names cow's horn clover, goat's horn, stag's wound herb, fine Grete or beautiful Margreth.Plant Fenugreek
Fenugreek has become more and more wild due to its spread across the Mediterranean region, but it can still be grown in the home garden. The right location for this is sunny, dry and well protected. The soil for sowing must be dry, loamy and low in nitrogen - fenugreek particularly likes heavily s alted soil. Sowing is carried out by broadcast, from March to June, with a sowing depth of about one centimetre. If you want to plant fenugreek in rows, keep a distance of 20 cm. For better germination, the soil must be kept slightly moist afterwards, but never wet.
Fenugreek is an annual plant that reaches a height of 30 to 60 cm. The flowering period is from June to July.
Harvest Fenugreek
All parts of the fenugreek plant - i.e. leaves, flowers and seeds - can be used. The sprouts (seedlings), which can be harvested just a few days after sowing, are particularly popular. You will have to wait until around August/September if you want to harvest the leaves and seeds.
Fenugreek Usage
In its native Greece, fenugreek was mainly used as a fodder plant. That has changed in recent years - also in Germany. Here, fenugreek is more of a popular medicinal and spice plant. Fenugreek is veryaromatic but also bitter. If the small seeds are roasted, the bitter taste disappears. If you are bothered by the bitter aroma but do not want to forego the positive effect, you can also use fenugreek as capsules. According to natrea.de, fenugreek capsules can even be a he alth-boosting feed supplement for pets.
Use fenugreek as a spice
Fenugreek is an integral part of Asian cuisine. Fenugreek is mainly used in the preparation of Indian curry dishes or chutneys. The seeds, which taste reminiscent of lovage, are also used to flavor roast meat (lamb, beef, pork). Fenugreek also refines home-baked bread, vegetable and cheese dishes, as well as soups and stews. The legumes can be used whole or ground. For the latter variant, the seeds are roasted and then crushed in a mortar.
➔ Tip: Store the ground spice in a tightly sealed container, as the flavor is easily lost in the air and exposure to sunlight.
If you want to add fenugreek to your salad, you need the sprouts of the plant.
You can easily grow these yourself:
- Have a large enough glass ready.
- Add three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds.
- Sprinkle the seeds with water several times (2-3 times a day).
- Pour off excess water.
- Put the jar in a warm room - around 18 to 21 degrees.
- Cover it with a cloth.
- Wait about eight hours - the fruit will start to sprout.
- The sprouts can be harvested on the second day.
➔ Important: The longer you let the sprouts germinate, the more bitter they become. It is therefore advisable to consume it as soon as possible.
Use fenugreek as a medicinal plant
Fenugreek is rich in valuable minerals and enzymes. If you are interested, you can read about exactly what these are and the concentration in which they occur per 100g of fenugreek at bockshornklee.info. The high iron and calcium content is particularly he alth-promoting. Our body needs iron to ensure oxygen transport in the blood, while calcium is needed for bone formation. Fenugreek not only works internally, the herb can also be used as a pulp to reduce pain and inflammation. Even the Benedictine Hildegard von Bingen knew about thisHealing effect and also described fenugreek as appetizing.
Diseases and ailments that fenugreek can help with:
- High Blood Pressure
- Bronchitis
- Arthritis
- cough
- Stomach and intestine problems
- Rheumatism
- Hair Loss
- Varicose veins
- Liver Damage
- Sore throat