The bobbed head is known from the windowsill, but also as a container plant outdoors. Here we explain what to do in the winter months.
The bobbed hair (Soleirolia soleirolii) is a very versatile plant that knows how to surprise. The bobbed head not only cuts a good figure with its spherical mushroom shape, but also grows luxuriantly from hanging baskets and can be used as an underplanting or balcony plant. Anyone who thinks that the bobbed haircut should only be cultivated in the warm flower window all year round is wrong. The Mediterranean plant is extremely hardy and under certain circumstances can even get used to the winter in our latitudes. Read now what is important when hibernating the bobbed haircut and why the small plant sometimes literally outgrows itself.The bobbed head is more robust than expected
The small stinging nettle family is actually only known as a houseplant in this country. If the bobbed heads are not in the blazing sun, they look good in the flower window and can also tolerate temperature fluctuations. If the bobbed head is kept as a houseplant, no special precautions need to be taken during the winter months.
➔ Tip: The bobbed haircut requires constant watering all year round.
If we look at the origin of the plant, this makes us skeptical. The bob haircut is at home on Mallorca, Sardinia or Corsica. There are hardly any temperatures below zero here. Even if the plant cannot be described as completely hardy, the bobbed head tolerates cool temperatures and surprises every indoor gardener.
Winter bobbed hair outdoors
- it's worth a try
The mild winters of the last few years certainly allow the attempt to hibernate the bobbed hair outdoors. In climatically favorable regions, such as the Rhine Valley, there is a good chance that the bobbed head will sprout again in spring. The rough climate of the low mountain ranges will not be good for the plant. Statistically, it is warmest in Germany in the southwest.
Hobby gardeners from the following regions have a good chance of successfully getting the bobbed hair over the winter outdoors:
- Freiburg imBreisgau
- Baden-Baden
- Mannheim
- Karlsruhe
- Heidelberg
- Frankfurt am Main
What should be considered when spending the winter outdoors?
The plants form pretty cushions in the bed and if you want to try to overwinter the bobbed head outdoors, you should cut the plants back about a hand’s breadth above the ground in autumn. The plant would not survive the winter without protection. Therefore, the bob haircut should be generously covered with leaves, straw or brushwood. Under a thick blanket of snow, the plant is less endangered than when there is a frost, i.e. at low temperatures without snowfall. Sporadic watering makes sense on these days to ensure that the soil does not freeze right down to the roots.
Free range all year round - the facts:
- only useful in mild regions
- Prune the plant by a hand
- Winter protection from leaves or twigs necessary
- water a little if there is frost
What should the winter quarters look like?
There is nothing wrong with the bobbed head spending the warm season on the balcony or terrace. With the first frost, however, it becomes critical for the bobbed head in the bucket. Pot plants are at risk because the plant pot freezes through quickly and the plant can then no longer absorb nutrients.
The bobbed haircut should move to suitable winter quarters in autumn. The plant is not picky about this as long as it is a frost-free and not too dark room. Moving into the warm living room would not be the best idea. The plant does not get the dry heating air. Bubi heads need sufficient humidity. This can be achieved with humidifiers or bowls of water. A bright location is ideal, not directly above the heater and at around 10 to 15 degrees. The plant is also watered in winter as soon as the top layer of soil appears somewhat dried. The bob haircut can take up its winter location in the conservatory or in the stairwell.
Overwintering potted plants in the house - the facts:
- Relocation before the first frost
- choose bright location
- do not place in the immediate vicinity of the heater
- Temperatures around 15 degrees
- Water continuously when the soil has dried a little
Overwinter the bobbed head outdoors as a potted plant
Overwintering the bobbed haircut outdoors in a bucket is a risk. A container plant is far more susceptible to frost than outdoor plants. Who lives in a fairly mild area or has a sheltered locationshould not attempt the attempt without taking certain precautions. The planter should be placed in a sheltered location, for example near house walls. The pot should not be placed directly on the ground. A base made of wood or styrofoam keeps the frost away from the roots. The planter can also be wrapped with garden fleece or sackcloth. Leaves or brushwood are used to cover the upper area.
Overwintering potted plants outdoors - the facts:
- select protected location
- Place the plant pot on a wooden or styrofoam base
- Wrap planter in garden fleece or sackcloth
- Cover bobbed hair with leaves or brushwood
➔ Attention: Anyone who claims that the bobcat is hardy is mistaken or confusing the bobcat with the blue bobcat, a perennial plant not related to the bobcat described here.
Keep the bob haircut in the room all year round
The bob haircut can be kept in the room all year round and does not necessarily have to change its location. The plants should be bright all year round. The bobbed heads also get along well with room temperatures of around 20 degrees. Dry heating air becomes a problem in winter. To increase humidity, set up water bowls or use humidifiers.
➔ Tip: The bob haircut can also move from the living room to an unheated room in winter. Temperatures between eight and ten degrees are easily tolerated.