Barbed wire rose - planting, care and pruning

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The barbed wire rose is a bizarre rarity. However, it is not their flowers that are the focus of attention, but their large red spikes.

Roses enchant us in every way. It doesn't matter whether it's the color and shape of the flowers that bewitch us or their scent more or less. There are around 30,000 varieties worldwide. One is more beautiful than the other. And so each one is unique. But there are also extraordinary roses that are to be looked at in a completely different way. These include the barbed wire rose (Rosa omeiensis pteracantha). It is not the flower that catches the viewer's eye, but rather its thorns, as the rose's name suggests. Because there are roses without thorns, but there are also roses with particularly unusual thorns.

So if you are looking for an extravagant plant for a spacious location in your garden, then you are well advised with the barbed wire rose. It is particularly hardy and has very vigorous growth. It is also full of the usual rose diseases. We would like to introduce you to this wild, well-fortified beauty in more detail. We also give you some tips for growing and caring for the barbed wire rose in your own garden.

Unique rarity presented

This unusual rose variety comes from China and is mainly at home in the highlands. It was introduced in Germany towards the end of the 19th century and is still considered a bizarre rarity today.

❍ Height

If you plant this rose solitaire (individually), you will soon be amazed by an unusual piece of jewelery in your garden. However, you should keep in mind that this gem needs a spacious location. After all, it is 2.5 to 3 meters high and just as wide. Under this condition, grows into an impenetrable bush.

❍ Blossoms and Rosehips

Their 3 to 4 centimeter small, white and single flowers with striking yellow stamens are rather inconspicuous, but still unusual. In May, when they bloom, they give off a pleasant, fresh and fruity scent. The barbed wire rose is the only type of rose that has four petals instead of the usual five.

After flowering, the rose develops small red, spherical hips early on, which small animals and birds like to eatfeed.

❍ Spines and Leaves

The large red, wing-like spikes are unique in size, color and shape. With a base that is at least 2 centimeters wide, they sit close together on the vigorous shoots and thus give the rose its name. When the sun shines through, the translucent spines glow conspicuously blood-red. In addition, this whimsical rose has very decorative, fern-like feathery foliage. The spines contrast beautifully with the delicately feathered, light foliage.

This is what the perfect location for the barbed wire rose looks like

We recommend planting this rose in a sunny location. But it also tolerates shade. It is advantageous if you place the red-tipped rarity in such a way that it is backlit as much as possible. As a result, their spines come into their own. The impenetrable protection offered by the barbed wire rose makes it just as interesting as a hedge plant.

The floor should be like this

No special demands are made on the floor. Nevertheless, it is advisable to prepare the site well before planting. First, dig up the soil thoroughly and collect the roots of the weeds. After you have dug the planting hole, you can add a soil activator to the potting soil. This prevents soil depletion and supplies vital trace elements in a natural way.

How to properly plant the barbed wire rose

Planting barbed wire roses is easy and should be done in spring or fall. You don't have to pay attention to the usual finishing point of modern roses, since the wild rose stands on its own roots. We still want to give you a few tips along the way.

❶ Shorten the shoots and roots slightly before planting.

❷ Now the plants are watered well. To do this, place them in a filled bucket of water for about 3 to 4 hours in autumn. For spring planting, the plant is completely immersed in water in a tub for 24 hours.

❸ Then put the rose in the planting hole. However, you should be careful not to bend the roots. The lower shoot ends, which sit directly at the root, should be about 3 centimeters below the soil surface. The barbed wire rose then develops new shoots from the underground dormant eyes.

❹ Now you can fill up the planting hole with the excavation. Shake the plant a little from time to time. This causes cavities in thePotting soil filled.

❺ Then lightly trample the soil around the rose so that the roots get good ground contact.

❻ The freshly planted rose is then watered. A small mound of earth around the plant prevents water from flowing away from the planting site.

How to properly care for the barbed wire rose

The wild splendor needs a little care to really come into its own. Annual pruning is important, because the thorns only shine red attractively on young branches. On old shoots, the wing spines are no longer translucent. They lose their appeal in an inconspicuous grey.

Use a shovel to keep the ground around your barbed wire rose clean. On the one hand you disturb the weeds while they are growing and on the other hand you loosen the soil slightly.