The steppe candle is valued for its gigantic growth and the glowing magic of flowers. Location, soil and care are explained here.
As hobby gardeners, we strive to make our gardens attractive. Experience has shown that we pay great attention to the ornamental garden with its abundance of perennial shrubs and permanent trees and shrubs. The aim is to combine the different plants into a harmonious overall picture that conveys calm and sensuality. A perennial that could play an essential part in staging a perfect natural spectacle with its gigantic size and the magnificently bright flower clusters is the steppe candle (Eremurus robustus). This ornamental perennial may also be known to many gardeners under the names Cleopatra's needle or steppe lily.
Origin and Appearance of the Steppe Candle
The steppe candle is originally at home in western Asia. Of the 45 species of its species, Eremurus robustus is one of the few that has established itself as an ornamental plant. After all, it causes a stir with its 1.5 to 3 meter high flower stalks, on which grape-like pink-white or apricot-colored individual flowers unfold from June to July. The flowers open from the bottom up. This is exactly why the flower stalks act like candles.
This is what the perfect location for the steppe candle looks like
The steppe candle or Cleopatra needle is a sun worshiper. Therefore give it a sunny but wind-protected place. Protected from the wind, because the gigantic flower stalks sway and threaten to break off in strong winds.
When choosing the location, it is advisable to consider from the outset which neighbors will be assigned to you. A number of plant suppliers favor the perennial as a solitary plant. Not bad for a park design. In the garden, however, it should be stylishly combined with other ornamental shrubs. It is conceivable to integrate this blossom magic into a group of half-height and low ornamental grasses. A quiet, sunny spot in the background of moor stone beds is also quite conceivable. Perhaps you would like to place the steppe candle next to roses or peonies? This pairing toolooks impressive.
In any case, do not choose the planting spot too small and give the perennial a long-term domicile in this place. Over the years, the steppe candle finally develops a considerable clump of daughter bulbs and thus also a considerable abundance of flower stalks.
The floor should be like this
Carefully prepare the ground for the Cleopatra needle. This is the only way the perennial can develop magnificently. The handsome ornamental shrub requires dry and well-drained soil. The soil may be slightly acidic, but the pH value should not be between 7 and 8 (measure the pH value in the soil). In addition, the steppe candle has a high nutrient requirement. If your garden soil is rather heavy and loamy, then you should loosen the soil vigorously with sand and humus. Cleopatra's needle abhors heavy, loamy soil and develops poorly as a result.
To protect against waterlogging and winter moisture, you should lay a drainage of coarse gravel at a depth of 40 centimeters to be on the safe side. The perennial tolerates drought, just not "wet feet".
When and how are steppe candles planted?
The gardener you trust and the online perennial mail-order company are very accommodating with potted goods. If you want to plant the flowering ornamental perennial in the background of a border, then a distance of 70 to 120 centimeters between the plants is advisable. When planting, proceed as follows:
Dig the planting hole about 15 centimeters deeper (measured by the pot height) and about 5 centimeters wider (compared to the pot diameter). Then fill the bottom of the hole about 15 centimeters with gravel. When planting, the soil surface of the potted young plant should not be lower than the edge of the planting hole, but not over it either.
How to properly care for the steppe candle
In case of prolonged drought, water your steppe candle moderately but regularly. Avoid watering your perennial too much, as this will cause waterlogging and the risk of root rot for the plant.
Refresh the nutrient depot each spring. Use an organic long-term fertilizer and follow the dosage instructions. In addition, give your flowering perennial flowering fertilizer in the spring. It gives the flower clusters additional vitality.
After flowering, cut out the withered inflorescences. Thus, although no seeds are formed, but onplant energy saved. However, if you don't want to do without the admirable sight of dry flower stalks with the seed pods, then you have to accept that the perennial will seed itself. Fertilize your ornamental plant a little more vigorously next spring.
If you want the Cleopatra needle to hibernate safely, cover the planting site with a mixture of leaf soil, needle twigs, compost and straw. This mixture is mainly intended to protect the plant from winter wetness. The protective layer is only covered after the last frosts in spring.
Its gigantic size and the magnificently glowing flower clusters make the steppe candle so admirable. The perennial can grow up to 3 meters high. She is a sun worshiper and loves dry, well drained soil. It is watered moderately but regularly. In spring, the ornamental shrub is also supplied with a long-term fertilizer. Although the steppe candle is hardy, the planting site should be covered to protect the roots from winter moisture.