Thrifts beautify our garden from May to September with white, yellow or pink flowers. If you don't have one in your garden yet, you can find out how to plant them here.

If you pay attention to all of this, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful flowers for a long time.
When is the best time to plant?
You can plant thrifts in the garden continuously from spring to autumn. The flowers are hardy in Germany, so that the combination of late planting and early frost does not lead to the loss of the thrifts. You should only wait until next spring if the temperature is already below zero.
How should the floor be?
Thrifts are very frugal and get along well with almost all types of soil. The beautiful flowers feel most comfortable on nutrient-poor, stony and well-drained soil. If the soil at the chosen location is very heavy and water-retaining, you can easily remedy this by adding small stones or sand. In addition, slightly raised planting ensures that rainwater runs off better. If the thrift grows in ordinary garden soil, these measures are not necessary.
This is what the perfect location looks like
Choose a sunny location that can also be windy. The flowers thrive very well near the coast and are unaffected by a stiff breeze. Thrifts look particularly pretty in rock gardens, where they delight the eye in attractive combinations with saxifrage, blue cushion, blue fescue and stonecrop.
You can also use thrifts for the foundation of stairs and railings in the garden or cultivate them in tubs and troughs on the terrace. However, this is only advisable if the presence of bees does not bother you, because the nectar of thrifts magically attracts the beneficial insects. Reading tip: beesin the garden - 4 tips on how to attract them.
Respect this planting distance
Thrifts reach a height of 30 to 50 centimeters and grow 20 to 30 centimeters in width. Therefore, keep a planting distance of at least half the variety-typical growth width, so that the flowers do not get in each other's way when spreading.
Water and fertilize
Thrifts can also cope with longer periods of drought, but are sensitive to standing moisture, which can lead to root rot. Water the flowers very sparingly, even immediately after planting.
The use of fertilizer is not absolutely necessary for the he althy development of the thrift. However, the thrifts willingly accept a light start-up fertilization with perennial fertilizer in the spring.