Spider mites infest cucumbers very often. Luckily, with the right tools, they're relatively easy to eliminate.
Spider mites are one of the most common plant pests. In Central Europe, around 90 crops are affected by spider mite infestation. The arachnids seem particularly fond of greenhouse cucumbers. But this is not surprising, because in this protected environment they often find the optimal climatic conditions to be able to spread. There are a number of ways to get rid of pests on cucumber plants.How to recognize an infestation with spider mites?
First of all, it is important to recognize whether they are spider mites at all. An infestation can usually be recognized by the following characteristics:
➛ The leaves are full of small dots that look light and pin-pricked.
➛ When they get bigger, you can see them even better.
➛ The leaves turn yellowish to grey-brown and dry up.
➛ Younger cucumber shoots will be covered with a whitish spider web over time.
➛ At this stage, larger animals can already be seen underneath the leaves.
Spider mites are particularly common on cucumbers grown in greenhouses.
The reason for a fall is usually not only too low humidity, but also too high a content of nitrogen in the soil.
What to do in case of an infestation?
Of course, there are numerous remedies on the market that can be used to combat an infestation of spider mites. But before you do that, there are a few home remedies you can use.
Measure | Explanation |
Shower off | The plant is first showered with lukewarm water. Pay particular attention to the underside of the leaves.
Then she is wrapped in a plastic bag for a period of two days. The moisture that develops inside lets the spider mites die and the plants can recover. |
Stinging nettle broth / horsetail broth | For this purpose, stinging nettles or horsetails are cut into small pieces and left in water for about twelve hoursloaded.
After removing the nettle/horsetail remains, the brew is filled into a spray bottle and the cucumber plant is sprayed with it. Alternatively and in the case of a very severe infestation, spraying with soapy water and skimmed milk is possible. |
Rapeseed Oil Blend | A rapeseed oil and water mixture is also suitable for spraying the cucumber plant with it.
One part rapeseed oil is added to four parts water. This will eventually spray the whole plant. |
Neem Oil | Similar to the canola oil, neem oil also creates the effect.
However, the oil should only be used in an emergency, since the cucumber needs a while for the oil to be broken down again by the plant. |
Natural Enemies | So-called predatory mites are sold in the garden market, which can be released in the greenhouse.
These represent the natural enemies of spider mites and remove them step by step from the cucumber plant. The predatory mites are not interested in the cucumber itself. |
Should you cut off the affected leaves?
The thought of simply removing the affected leaves from the plant is obvious, but not recommended. Because the plant uses its leaves not only to absorb nutrients from the sun, but also to protect the growing cucumbers.
The plant doesn't like water that much either, but at least it tolerates it better than having its leaves removed step by step.
Reasonable preventive measures
In order to avoid an infestation with spider mites, it makes sense to take certain preventive measures. The following is recommended:
High Humidity
You should always keep an eye on the climate in the greenhouse. Above all, you should ensure that there is sufficient humidity in the greenhouse. If this is relatively high, spider mites do not find the climate appealing and therefore do not settle on the plants.
Air circulation between the plants
It is always important to leave enough air between the plants. If the plants grow in the greenhouse, they should also be ventilated regularly.
Regular care means that the plant is well supplied with water and the nutrients it needs. Potassium is particularly important in cucumbers, which also increases resistance. For this purpose, you can find special fertilizers for cucumbers on sale:
If the cucumbers in theWhen grown in a pot, the pot should provide the plant with enough space, a few drainage holes for excess water, and adequate soil to help establish root shoots.
Erupting Fruits
When the first fruits grow, break them out. Within this stage, the cucumber plant is usually still growing. Erupting the fruit gives her the opportunity to gather more power and later form even more fruit.
Avoid the cold
Even if the plant is in the greenhouse, it can sometimes be too cold for it. Therefore, it always makes sense to pay attention to the temperature at the beginning of the season. During this time it may be useful to heat the greenhouse. Alternatively, you can bring the cucumber indoors and leave it there until the temperatures are ideal again.