Korbmarante - plants, care & multiply

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The tropical osiera is an attractive houseplant with colorful flowers. When it comes to caring for it, however, it poses some challenges for hobby gardeners.

This houseplant is a so-called arrowroot plant. The Coriander (Marantaceae), whose name is Calathea in technical jargon, can draw attention to itself with its elegant leaves. Because the unusual patterns and different colors of the leaves make the ornamental leaf plant a real eye-catcher in almost every room.

In the tropical regions where these plants are native, the plants were also used outdoors in the past, which has earned them the name Calathea. After all, the basket marante was extremely popular for weaving decorative baskets and as a decorative roof covering, especially in the past.

By the way, the name "Calathea" is derived from the Greek and actually means "basket". However, it is important to remember that not every subspecies of the Korbmarante flowers. Luckily, the leaves of the plant alone are a real feast for the eyes. However, if you want to enjoy it for as long as possible, you should know that the Korbmarante is considered to be relatively maintenance-intensive.

Profile on the Korbmarante

The basket marante is native to Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia, where the temperatures are correspondingly higher. In this country, however, the Korbmarante should only be cultivated as a houseplant. The plant, also known as maranta and arrowroot, grows perennially and herbaceously, but can impress with different growth forms depending on the species. Plant heights of 15 to 30 centimeters are reached, so that the Maranta can be wonderfully accommodated on the windowsill at home.

The different shades of green, as well as the multicolored leaf markings, make the Korbmarante stand out in addition to the flowers in spring or summer. Depending on the variety (and whether it flowers at all), arrowroot can be characterized by the following flower colors:

  • white
  • yellow-orange

The flowers of the Korbmarante have either a cone or basket-like shape. While around 270 species belong to the Marant family, the Maranta is certainly the most important and also the most widespread plant of this genus in this country. The plant owes this primarily to its special leaves. After all, these not only look attractive, but also curl up towards the evening. At the same time, crackling noises can be heard from a relatively low volume. Only in the morning do the leaves of the Korbmarante open again. There are also some Maranta varieties whose roots and flowers are even suitable for consumption.

Planting basket marant - requirements for he althy growth

Which location does the Korbmarante prefer?

In its South American homeland, Marante can be found as groundcover, climbing or hanging plant, especially in the undergrowth of the local rainforest. It is therefore a rather shady location. Even if the Korbmarante is kept as a houseplant in this country, the new owners are now required to ensure conditions that are as similar as possible to the tropical climate in the home of the plant with regard to the following points:

  • Location
  • humidity
  • Temperature

A warm location that is free from drafts is therefore ideal. In addition, the Korbmarante does not tolerate direct sunlight and is far better off in a partially shaded place. Even the direct winter sun does not get the plant. She also lets her owner clearly feel when she has gotten too much sun. This can be clearly seen, for example, in the leaves of the Maranta, which then curl up to the side. A north window is therefore the ideal location for the basket marante. Anyone who cannot offer this to the houseplant can use additional shading options.

A noticeably increased humidity also contributes to the splendid growth of the Korbmarante. Ideally, this should be between 70 and 80 percent. A regular check of the actually prevailing humidity is therefore useful when it comes to the thriving of Maranta. The values just mentioned should be reached at least from March to September. After all, this period is the growth phase of the basket marant. The plant prefers temperatures of 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. Even in winter, no lower temperatures are allowedoccur if the tropical houseplant is to thrive.

What kind of soil is ideal for this houseplant?

When it comes to the optimal substrate for the basket marant, the plant has the following requirements:

  • humos
  • fibrous
  • breathable

The use of high-quality potting soil with as much humus as possible makes sense, for example. In order to make the substrate even more permeable and at the same time noticeably improve its water storage capacity, all hobby gardeners can also use perlite or small polystyrene balls, which are simply mixed into the substrate. A peat-culture or peat-based substrate is also ideal. If you want to make your own soil mixture for the Korbmarante, simply use the following ingredients:

  • Compost or leaf soil in three parts
  • part peat

There are also strict rules to be observed when it comes to the pH value of the substrate for the Maranta. This should always be between values of 4.5 to 5.5. Regular monitoring of the pH value is recommended so that the Korbmarante always finds the perfect soil conditions.

How to properly care for yourself Korbmarante

Even if the lily of the valley is a very graceful plant, caring for it brings with it one or two challenges. Not only the perfect location is essential for the thriving of the Korbmarante. Rather, the following care instructions must be observed. This doesn't just mean conscientious repotting every two to three years.


The Korbmarante is characterized by a relatively clear need for water. The drop plant must be watered regularly, especially from April to September. Low-calcium, well-tempered water is ideal for this. It is even better to water the Marante straight away with lime-free water, for which the plant will show its appreciation with magnificent growth.

While the Korbmarante must not dry out under any circumstances during its growth phase from spring to autumn, you don't get too much moisture at all. Waterlogging should be avoided, while the substrate should always be slightly damp. Before the plant is watered again, the substrate is welcome to dry out on the surface, while avoiding drying out of the substrate in any case. Otherwise that would be poison for the pretty houseplant.


If the basket edge is characterized by dry leaf tips, this indicates that in theThe humidity around the plant is too low. However, the humidity can be increased relatively easily by spraying the houseplant at regular intervals. Warm water is ideal for this. Alternatively, all hobby gardeners can also use an additional humidifier. This should fit the size of the room and not be set up too far from the basket marante. In a warm location, the Maranta needs to be dusted frequently with water from a practical spray bottle.

Calc-free water is clearly to be preferred in this context. Finally, plain tap water could contribute to the formation of lime stains on the plant's pretty leaves. If you still want to use tap water as a cheap alternative to lime-free water, you should only use water that has been stale for one or more days. In addition, dusting off the basket marante is also useful. Because the leaves of houseplants gather dust quite quickly, although this problem can be easily remedied with a damp cloth. Here, too, the necessary care is required so that the leaves are not damaged.


The correct fertilization is also part of the optimal care of the Korbmarante. Luckily, the plant's nutrient requirements are nowhere near as high as the tropical plant's water requirements. During the main growth phase, it is quite sufficient if the Marante is fertilized every four weeks. A liquid fertilizer, such as this one here, which can be easily mixed with the irrigation water, is ideal in this context. However, this should only be used in half the concentration.

It is also important that the proportion of fluorine in the selected fertilizer is as low as possible, otherwise it could damage the Korbmarante. The fertilizer for the houseplant should also not contain too much s alt. Nevertheless, hobby gardeners do not have to resort to an expensive special fertilizer for their tropical plants. Green plant fertilizers that are specially designed for indoor plants are usually sufficient. The use of a long-term fertilizer is also quite conceivable. The corresponding fertilizer sticks are readily available from specialist garden shops.


The Maranta is characterized by a rather strong growth of its roots. This means that the houseplant should be repotted at least every two to three years. Then, when the roots are already sticking out of the top of the pot, it's high timethat the Korbmarante a new, correspondingly larger plant pot available. Incidentally, the tropical houseplant is a flat-rooted plant. This means that the planters for the Korbmarante do not have to be particularly high, but they do have to be wider.

By the way, the plant is best repotted in spring. Because this is the time of year when the Korbmarante forms new shoots of its own accord. When the plant is removed from the pot to be repotted, extreme care must be taken. The roots of the tropical plant must not be damaged under any circumstances. At the same time, it is important to examine the root ball closely for the following things:

  • disease roots
  • Root parts affected by Rot
  • Damage to the root ball

root parts that are no longer perfect must be removed. It can also happen that the root ball is very matted. This can be due to the too narrow conditions in the previous plant pot of the Korbmarante. Then the hobby gardeners are asked to give the roots more space by carefully pulling them apart with their hands. This will also help the plant to root better in its new pot.

The new pot should also not do without the appropriate drainage so that the basket marante survives the repotting as well as possible. Perlite and gravel are suitable for these purposes. The substrate mixture already mentioned is then placed on top of the drainage layer. The Maranta is then placed in the middle of the pot. Then you have to fill the pot with soil - up to about two centimeters below the edge of the pot. Now gently press the earth down a little. Finally, the freshly repotted basket marante must of course be well watered.


The effort involved in pruning the Korbmarante is limited compared to many other plants. Only leaves that have already dried up or withered should be removed immediately at the base of the plant, i.e. directly above the ground. If it is a Maranta that will please its owner with a flower, all inflorescences that have since wilted should be cut off equally.


❍ Propagation by seed

The Korbmarante can be propagated by sowing, for example. Peat spring pots are a very good choice. These pots must first be placed in water in order to swell there and thus reach their maximum size. YourPeat pot is also a good choice because it can later be transplanted and repotted with the germinated seeds. In this way, the roots of the young Korbmarante are not damaged in the first place. On the other hand, if you don't want to use a peat spring pot, you can also use the following tools to sow this tropical plant:

  • regular seed substrate from specialist shops
  • a mini greenhouse

To sow the seeds in a peat spring pot, a prodding stick should be used to poke holes in the pots. The Korbmarante seeds are then placed there. The small peat pots then have to be placed in a foil bag that can be closed and is translucent. A ziplock bag is ideal for the purposes mentioned. Then add enough low-lime water with a drop of fertilizer to the bag until the water is only a few millimeters over the top once the pot has been soaked. Only now close the ziplock bag.

The seeds, which no longer need to be watered, can then germinate in a semi-shady place. The ambient temperature should be a warm 24 to 28 degrees Celsius during the germination phase. Only at night are temperatures at the lower end of this scale not a problem. Only when the Korbmarante seedlings are strong and big enough do they start transplanting into a larger pot (i.e. a drip that is mainly wider).

❍ Propagation by cuttings

Propagation from cuttings is also possible. The Korbmarante cuttings can be cut off between February and March. Each cutting should have two to six leaves and be carefully separated from the mother plant with a sharp, clean knife. This happens directly at ground level. Then the cuttings have to be put into a pot with the right growing substrate. Peat spring pots can also be used in this context.

It is essential to moisten the substrate and keep it moist so that the Korbmarante can take root as easily as possible. A translucent foil bag should then be placed over the whole thing. In addition, a warm, semi-shady place with an ambient temperature of 23 degrees Celsius is ideal for growing the Maranta cuttings. A particularly high humidity of 85 to 90 percent is desirable. The film should be removed briefly every day to air out, so that no mold can form. It will take around six to eight weeks before the cuttings can be transplanted.

❍ Propagation by root division

By dividing the rootsthe Korbmarante can also be propagated. This is best done when the plant is being repotted anyway. To do this, free the root ball of loose soil and make sure that each section of the divided root ball can have a bulb-like thickening. The root bulbs are then planted in their own substrate similar to the Korbmarante cuttings. However, temperatures of 18 degrees Celsius are sufficient in this case to allow new Maranta plants to grow. Repotting is allowed after six to eight weeks.


The Korbmarante is not familiar with hibernation. Nevertheless, from October to February, the tropical houseplant can also tolerate cooler temperatures. However, it should not be colder than 18 degrees Celsius to prevent the plant from dying. Drafts should also be avoided and sufficient humidity must be ensured.

This is all the more important in view of the dry heating air in the cold season. Finally, this circumstance is also associated with an increased susceptibility of the Maranta to pest infestation. It is therefore extremely important, especially in winter, that the houseplant is sprayed with lime-free water often enough so that pests hardly have a chance. However, the plant should not be fertilized and watered less until spring.

Possible diseases and pests

Too much moisture and too much s alt can threaten the existence of the basket marante, since root rot is often the logical consequence. It is therefore essential to avoid these adverse conditions. Dying, yellowed leaves are a clear indication of the presence of root rot. Then the plants can only be potted to remove the rotten wicker parts and replant the rest of the houseplant in fresh, dry soil.

An infestation with thrips, on the other hand, is indicated by light speckles on the leaves of the Korbmarante. In order to master this problem, the plant should be showered. In addition, the maranta must be sprayed several times with a solution made from spirit (a tablespoon) and soapy water. Then a thrispe infestation can be controlled relatively easily.

Spider mites, which make themselves noticeable with the help of white webs, become a problem for the Korbmarante, especially in winter. In such a situation, the plant should be rinsed thoroughly to rid it of the spider mites. Please cover the pot and the soil.Then increase the humidity. Predatory mites can also be used in the fight against spider mites.