Many gardeners have apples and pears in their gardens. If you want to try something different instead of apples and pears, you should try the loquat.
Deciduous tree: the medlar
The medlar is a fruit tree that can grow up to five meters tall, loves a sunny spot and well-drained soil. If you provide protection from frost in the winter, your medlar will thrive a lot better. The medlar is a deciduous tree with a broad crown and a crooked trunk. It is often the case that the trees are wider than they are tall.
Fruits taste sweet and sour
The medlar produces brown, rusty-leaved fruits that are about four centimeters thick and reach a length of up to six centimeters . The fruits taste sweet and sour and have a rather interesting structure. The shell is open at the bottom and stands up in small spikes. You could compare this appearance with roasted chestnuts, the skin of which bursts open in one place. Visually, the medlar is an interesting fruit that is sure to be an eye-catcher in your garden. The trees need up to four years to bear the first fruits.