Repotting Calla - a note on the specific reasons and detailed instructions

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The Calla is a quite demanding plant that only thrives under the right conditions. This includes regularly repotting the plant to protect it from toxic nutrients.

Normally, plants are only repotted when they have grown too big and need more space. With the calla, however, there is another reason. Regular fertilization accumulates nutrients in the soil in a harmful concentration. These are poisonous to the calla. That's why experts recommend repotting the plant at least once a year.

But when is the best time to do this? Which substrate and which bucket are best suited for this? Are drains necessary? These and other questions will be explained to you in detail in this article.

The right time

Callas don't like old substrate, which often has accumulated pollutants. Therefore, repot the plants once a year. The best time to do this is in September after the calla has lost its leaves or just before the start of the growing season at the end of February.

The longer you wait to repot, the more parts of the plant will dry out completely. So don't be alarmed if you don't find any living substance other than the tuber in February: this is completely normal.

The right substrate

Callas feel very comfortable in ordinary garden or potting soil. The freshness of the substrate is more important than the exact composition. You should not use soil that has been in the basement for a long time. If you repot your Calla in rather water-impermeable substrate, the addition of sand is recommended. The irrigation water can drain off more quickly through the optimized floor. You can achieve even better water drainage by incorporating a drainage system, which can easily be made from pumice, pebbles or broken pottery.

The optimal vessel

Pot your Calla in an ordinary clay or plastic planter. If the plant still has enough space to form new roots, you can use the same bucket again after replacing the substrate. Always choose clean onesvessels. The bucket must be free of deposits, deposits and traces of fungus.

Repotting Calla - explained step by step

Repotting Callas is not difficult. Just follow our step-by-step guide and you'll do everything right.

❶ Wear gloves at all times during repotting. The calla is slightly poisonous.

❷ Carefully lift the plant out of the pot.

❸ Rinse the bulb and roots with lukewarm water.

❹ Remove excess lengths of root with rose shears.

❺ Put the drainage and then the substrate in the bucket.

❻ Plant the tuber five to seven centimeters deep in the substrate and press it down gently.

❼ Put some water on the substrate.