Fighting spider mites on coconut palms - Here's how it works

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They are so small, but they can do a lot of damage to coconut trees. I mean spider mites. But we'll tell you how to get rid of them.

Coconut palms are not vulnerable and robust in their natural environment. However, the climatic conditions that the palm trees need do not prevail in this country, so that they quickly become ill or suffer from pest infestation in unfavorable conditions. For example, spider mites often appear on coconut palms, which are noticeable by yellowish to whitish fronds and often very fine webs on the underside.

The problem with the whole thing is the low humidity that prevails in our apartments. It is the trigger for spider mites to spread on the coconut palms. If the dry heating air is added to this in autumn or winter, you can almost watch the spider mites spread and the leaves of the coconut palm turn brown. But then you have to act quickly to save the plant.

So the spider mites disappear again

➤ Shower coconut palm:

Spider mites, as already mentioned, appear when the air is too dry. In order to scare away the unloved "guests", it helps if you regularly spray the coconut palm with water or shower it off. It is best to proceed as follows:

  1. Take a plastic bag and put it over the flower pot from below. Then tie the plastic bag up.
  2. Then place the palm tree in the bath or shower and rinse it thoroughly.
  3. Then put a clear plastic bag over the top of the coconut tree and leave the plant like that for a week.

The consequence of all this: Since spider mites don't like humid air, they will disappear quickly. It is only important that you supply the coconut palm with water as usual during this time.

➤ Use neem products to combat:

You can also fight the spider mites without chemicals using so-called neem products (e.g. available here). These are products that are made from natural, renewable raw materials and against absorbent andbiting pests act. Simply apply according to the manufacturer's instructions and the spider mites will disappear again.