Care for indoor fir - everything to do with location, substrate, fertilizer & Winter protection

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The indoor fir with its special appearance cuts a fine figure in every pot. However, they also need a little care to thrive.

The room fir, also known as Araucaria heterophylla, comes from the Norfolk Islands and has become very popular here as well. A special charm of this plant is the symmetrical arrangement of the branches.

Although the plant does not require intensive care, some basic conditions are particularly important for he althy development. This includes a bright location, seasonal watering and fertilizing, frost-free wintering and the right substrate. Read on for the details.

5 care tips for he althy growth of the silver fir

» Location

The silver fir thrives best in a bright, warm location with protection from the blazing midday sun. In a dark location, on the other hand, the fir would grow crooked.

Tip: For a symmetrical development of the crown, an open stand with good exposure is also necessary.

The comfort temperature of the exotic is around 20 °C. However, you can start the outdoor season on the balcony or terrace as soon as the thermometer regularly rises to 18 °C and there is no longer any fear of night frosts. But then make sure it is in a sheltered and semi-shady location.

» Substrate

Loose, permeable, slightly acidic, rich in humus and a high proportion of sand: this is how the indoor fir likes its substrate best. A rhododendron soil that you enrich with sand and clay granules is ideal here. In addition, you can put drainage underneath to optimize water drainage.

» Casting

Plenty in summer, sparingly in winter: With this rule you are spot on when watering the fir tree. In its natural home on Norfolk Island, the plant is used to extended wet and dry periods in summer. These periods roughly coincide with our warm months from April to September and the cold period from October to March. However, waterlogging is never he althy for the indoor fir. As soonIf there is water in the saucer for more than a day, you must drain it. Otherwise there is a risk of root rot or the needles being dropped.

Tip: Ideally use only water with a low lime content (e.g. rainwater).

» Fertilize

Fertilize the silver fir only during the skin growth period from late spring to early fall. Liquid fertilizer for green plants, which you add to the irrigation water every fortnight, provides the pine with sufficient nutrients. Use lime-free products - for example fertilizer for rhododendrons or hydrangeas.

» Hibernate

Indoor firs do not tolerate frost and do not like darkness. Therefore, choose a bright, cool, but frost-free place as winter location between October and March.

Tip: If you overwinter the pine tree in a warmer location, you should fertilize it every four to six weeks with a slightly reduced concentration.