Caring for Tomaffel - tips for watering, fertilizing & Plant diseases

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Caring for the tomato sounds more difficult than it actually is. The individual measures are based on the care instructions for tomatoes and potatoes. It just requires a little more finesse.

The Tomoffel brings a breath of fresh air into the garden and is familiar to us right away. Grafting potatoes and tomatoes has led to a remarkable new breed. At first glance, the TomTato looks like a tomato plant. But once the tomato harvest is complete, this does not mean the end of the plant, because now the potato harvest is due.

The tomato is easy to cultivate and rich yields can be expected. You can read about what needs to be considered when caring for the tomato in the following.

Tomoffel - what's really behind it?

Tomoffel - an exotic name that actually defines itself quite simply. Potatoes and tomatoes in one plant? The thought of genetic changes already arises, but in this specific case it is completely unfounded. Tomatoes and potatoes cannot deny their relationship, both belong to the nightshade family and can therefore be grafted in much the same way we know it from fruit trees. The secret of the “Plant of the Year 2016” has already been revealed.

Tomoffel itself is a name that has just sprung from the imagination. The idea of refining the two nightshade plants came from England. Two plants with similar stem circumferences were selected, the stems trimmed, and held together with plastic clips. Both interfaces grew together over time, the clip jumped off due to the pressure and the first tomato was born.

Tomoffel care - That's what matters

A new breed usually presents the hobby gardener with new challenges. Not so the Tomoffel, the care does not differ significantly from a conventional tomato plant - and tomatoes have already been harvested in heaps by inexperienced hobby gardeners. So there's nothing wrong with getting acquainted with this exotic species in the vegetable garden.

» Water the tomato correctly

Watering is for the plantvery important, after all tomatoes and potatoes have to ripen on one plant. This double burden can only be managed if you lay the necessary foundations for it. The soil must not dry out. Watering is usually daily.

» Tip: Don't pour the tomato directly onto the leaves. Wet leaves encourage fungal spores to penetrate.

Pouring requires a bit of finesse. The soil should appear evenly moist. However, waterlogging must not occur. Curled leaves indicate the plant is lacking in moisture. Tomatoes are sensitive to moisture from above. A sheltered location is therefore an advantage for the tomato. Spontaneous changes in the weather don't do the plants any good either. The fruit can burst open after the rainy season that follows hot days. This can be explained by a pressure that builds up due to the excessively high water content in the fruit.

» Tip: The tomato should be placed in a covered location and only watered from below.

» Fertilize the tomato properly

Fertilization is required regularly. The tomato itself is a heavy feeder and requires a lot of nutrients. If the soil is upgraded with compost when planting and then annually in spring and autumn, a good basis for the supply of nutrients is already created. With the beginning of flowering, tomato fertilizer is additionally given. This can be added to the irrigation water at 14-day intervals.

» Tip: The fertilizer used should have a high proportion of potassium, nitrogen and phosphate.

» How can you identify nutrient deficiencies?

You can recognize a lack of fertilizer by reduced growth. If the leaves turn yellow, a lack of nutrients can also be assumed. Calcium deficiency leads to blossom end rot and is identified by dark spots forming on the fruit.

» Provide climbing aid

The Tomoffel wants to aim high and needs the help of the hobby gardener. To prevent the plants from buckling, they need a climbing aid. Larger plants not only become longer, but also heavier. Consider that up to 500 cocktail tomatoes want to ripen on one plant. A stable climbing aid helps the plants to bear their heavy load. Special tomato sticks made of bamboo, wood or plastic can be used.

» Recognizing and combating diseases on the tomato

While pest infestation doesn't really matter for the tomato,diseases can occasionally occur. It is not uncommon for care errors or weather influences to be the cause.

❍ Late Blight

In damp weather, late blight can occur. The fungal disease can be recognized by spots on the leaves. The tomatoes also show brown spots and become inedible as the flesh hardens. All affected parts of the plant should be removed. If the infestation is advanced, apply a plant protection product for fungal diseases.

» Tip: In a sunny and sheltered location, the disease can be largely avoided.

❍ Mildew

If powdery mildew occurs, the plant was probably too dry. The damage is shown by reduced growth and browning of the leaves. The affected parts of the plant must be removed, but must not be disposed of in the compost as the fungus will not die there. Spraying the plants with a milk-water solution or treating them with garlic stock have proven to be effective home remedies.

❍ Early Blight

The early blight literally hits the plant with double the force because it occurs on both tomatoes and potatoes. The infestation is particularly common in warm and dry summers. The disease can be recognized by leaf spots, which tend to appear on the underside of the leaf and appear ring-shaped. The fruits can also be affected. A humid and warm climate favor the appearance of the fungus. As a precaution, the plant should only be watered from below and given a sheltered location so that no moisture can get to the leaves. Spraying a decoction of field horsetail has proven itself as a household remedy.

Tomoffel self-bred - How it works

Anyone who already enjoys tomato plants may want to consider growing the plants themselves to increase their yields or give a gift to garden friends that not everyone has.

Seeds cannot be obtained from an existing tomato. But you can try to graft the plants yourself.

What is needed?

  • Substrate
  • Plant pots
  • Knife
  • Tin foil

How are you?
When the potatoes sprout, two shoots are cut out directly on the rind. There two shoots of the tomato plant are grafted on. The interface can be supplied with herbal wound ointment alternatively you can also wrap the interface with aluminum foil. Now the plant is put back into the ground and if new shoot tips appear, the attempt seems to have been successful and the tomato is thriving.