Although the ornamental banana is a tropical plant, it feels at home in our latitudes. However, in winter, you must bring them indoors.

The ornamental banana is a decorative plant that is enjoying increasing popularity in this country. If you want to successfully grow the tropical plant with the large palm-like leaves all year round, you have to be particularly careful in winter. Because temperatures below 5 degrees can damage the plant considerably.
As a rule of thumb, when temperatures are consistently at a low level, then it's time to prepare the plant for wintering. I have summarized everything that is involved and what you need to pay attention to in this article.
4 tips for a successful overwintering of ornamental bananas
Select a bright winter location
If possible, do not overwinter the ornamental banana in the open air. Even with comprehensive protection with fiber mats, a few cold nights are sometimes enough to let the beautiful plant die. Better to be on the safe side and let the plant hibernate indoors.
Choose a bright location with temperatures between 10 °C and 18 °C. An unheated conservatory is perfect. In addition, if there is sufficient light, cool bedrooms, attics and basements, landings, unheated corridors and the entrance area of the apartment can be used as winter quarters. The darker the location, the colder the ambient air can be. Persistent temperatures of 5 °C or less should be avoided as a matter of principle.
Water sparingly and fertilize
The Ensete has a very limited water requirement in winter. However, the root ball should not dry out completely; dripping wet substrate or even standing water in the saucer should also be avoided. Water the ornamental banana sparingly every two weeks. You can add a small amount of liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water once a month.
Wet leaves regularly
If your ornamental banana overwinters in a location with low humidity, it is advisable that you regularly mist the leaves with water droplets. Use a pressure orPump sprayer for plants.
Regular treatment with fine water drops has two positive side effects in addition to the immediate refreshing effect: First, the ornamental banana gets rid of dust that has settled on the large leaves. Second, spider mites give a wide berth to a moistened ornamental banana. This is because these common pests like it dry.
Put the ornamental banana back outside
As soon as the spring temperatures stay well above freezing again, it is time for the ornamental banana to move out of its winter quarters. Do not immediately place the plant in a sunny spot, but place it in half or alternating shade to get used to it. After a period of one to two weeks, your plant can then tolerate the full dose of sunlight again.