The creeping medlar is an easy-care and robust ground cover, which not only impresses with its attractive coloring in autumn. He's also bursting with annoying weeds.
Small but mighty, that's the best way to describe the creeping medlar (Cotoneaster salicifolius) "Repens". The attractive ground cover accompanies us throughout the year with fascinating flowers, bright red berries and attractive autumn colours. The plants are undemanding and can be used for quick and reliable greening of larger areas. The best thing about it - where the creeping medlar "Repens" once settled, the weeds have to admit defeat. Find out more about the popular ground cover, which looks just as good in a bucket as it does on a slope or as a mini hedge.
Plant Description
The creeping medlar originally comes from China, where it has already made a name for itself as an ornamental plant.
The evergreen dwarf shrubs have countless lush green leaves that underline the cushion-like growth of the ground cover. In spring, it's the small white flowers that catch the eye and create great accents for the rich green color of the foliage. Late summer is accompanied by the red chokeberries, which often remain on the plant all winter. The autumn colors ensure an atmospheric finale.
» Tip: Although the creeping medlar is evergreen, some of the leaves turn yellow to orange in autumn.
The creeping medlar “Repens” grows slowly but reliably. Planted areas resemble a green carpet over time. The weeds are successfully repelled.
When does the creeping medlar “Repens” bloom?
The flowers of the creeping medlar “Repens” appear in June. Even if the white flowers appear rather inconspicuous, in their entirety they form an attractive carpet of flowers. The orange-red fruits adorn the small shrub from September. The fruits are not suitable for consumption, but make an attractive bed decoration that often lasts throughout the winter.
Presentation of some species of creeping medlars
The cotoneasters form the rose family and include approx90 species. We will now introduce you to some creeping medlars.
❍ Creeping “Autumn Fire”
This hardy creeping medlar has shiny dark green leaves and is particularly good as a ground cover. The white flowers appear from May and the bright red fruits can be admired from September. The creeping medlar prefers a sunny site and nutritious, well-drained soil.
❍ Creeping medlar “Eichholz”
The creeping medlar "Eichholz" with a growth height of up to 40 centimeters is also well suited for hedge planting. The plants grow particularly densely and have slightly overhanging shoots. The coral-red berries, which can be found from September, appear particularly decorative. Parts of the foliage turn an attractive yellow-red.
❍ Creeping medlar “Jürgl”
This plant species grows quite quickly and reaches heights of up to half a meter. The white-pink flowers can be admired between May and June. The bright red fruits are slightly poisonous. The creeping medlar "Jürgl" grows in almost any soil, but prefers sunny locations.
❍ Creeping medlar “Radicans”
The creeping medlar “Radicans” has a low stature and only reaches a maximum height of 20 centimetres. Measured by the small size, the light red fruits appear almost oversized. The leaves turn slightly reddish in autumn, but do not fall off.
Planting the creeping medlar “Repens”
It's not for nothing that creeping medlars are among the most popular ground covers. The plants are uncomplicated and easy to care for. Nevertheless, there are a few things to consider when planting.
Find the right location
The creeping medlar “Repens” tolerates almost any location. If you want to enjoy the carpet of flowers and the fruits, a sunny to partially shaded location is the best choice. Although the plants thrive in shady places, they usually do not flower.
» Tip: If you only want to use the creeping medlar as groundcover and place less value on rich flowering, a shady location is also suitable.
The creeping medlar does particularly well on slopes and embankments and finds welcome neighbors in ivy or Ysander. The plant also feels at home in the rock garden in the company of phlox and other farm flowers. Standing alone in open spaces or in tubs is also a way of showcasing the plants.
In short form:
- light
- sunny to semi-shady
- no waterlogging
Creating medlar “Repens” - bad luckfor weeds
The creeping medlars have a great advantage for the hobby gardener. Weeds don't stand a chance and wither under the dense canopy of cotoneasters. If an area of one square meter is to be reliably greened, six to eight plants must be planted.
Select the right substrate
The plant is also largely tolerant of the soil conditions, the creeping medlar “Repens” thrives best in a permeable and nutrient-rich soil. Conventional potting soil is suitable for planting in a bucket.
» Tip: Waterlogging damages the ground cover, not least because the branches lie directly on the ground.
The soil should be loosened before planting. If the soil is heavy clay, it can be made more permeable by adding coarse sand. A humus-rich, fresh soil is welcomed. The pH value should be in the neutral range. Creeping medlars also thrive on calcareous and nutrient-poor soil. However, this is at the expense of flowering and consequently fruit development.
In short form:
- loose
- fresh
- permeable
- nutrient rich
- humos
- pH neutral
Planting the creeping medlar “Repens” - step by step
❶ Best planting time - spring or autumn
❷ Select location
❸ Remove weeds and stones from the soil
❹ Make the soil more permeable by adding gravel or sand if necessary
❺ Work in compost
❻ Dig planting holes
❼ Insert plants
❽ Close planting hole
❾ Water plants
» Tip: If the plants are pruned back slightly after planting, this promotes strong and dense growth.
How to care for the creeping medlar
The hobby gardener benefits from the extensive tolerance range of the cotoneaster. Continuous rain cannot harm the plant, just as it will complain about shorter dry periods. With a fresh and well-drained soil you create ideal growing conditions. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Watering is also necessary in the event of prolonged drought, the roots must not dry out completely. Otherwise, the creeping medlars can cope with the natural rainfall.
» Tip: Potted plants need regular watering.
When planting, compost can be worked into the soil as a long-term fertilizer. This will no longer be the case later onbecause the groundcover grows very densely and it is difficult to get to the ground or the plant is damaged. Therefore, liquid fertilizer is a good idea, which is applied in spring and gives the plants a growth spurt.
Because it is a low-growing ground cover, regular pruning is basically not necessary. However, if the creeping medlar spreads unintentionally, it can be cut back at any time.
» Tip: The creeping medlar “Repens” can grow up to 80 centimeters in width.
A pruning is also advantageous if a dense branching is desired will. There are no specifications for the cut, the plants are very easy to cut and can be shortened at any time by the desired amount. If you regularly cut off the tops of the ground cover, you will ensure dense branches and rich flowering. Midsummer is the best season for these pruning measures. If you only cut back in autumn, the young shoots could be sensitive to frost.
Diseases and pests:
A hardy plant like the creeping medlar is rarely attacked by diseases or pests. However, the almost indestructible ground cover has a big enemy - the fire blight.
Fire blight - danger of epidemics
Fire blight is a plant disease found worldwide. The disease is caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora. Fire blight is a typical disease of pome fruit.
» Tip: The creeping medlar should not be planted close to fruit trees.
The disease spreads quite quickly, so early action is required.
How to identify fire blight?
- Leaves withering
- shoots show discoloration and curvature
- Leaves turning brown
- Slimy substance leaking out
Warning: Fireblight cannot yet be fought. The plants must be disposed of immediately. The infection must be reported. The responsible office will decide how to proceed. There is no he alth risk for humans.
Aphids - stubborn suckers at work
The creeping medlar “Repens” is not spared from aphids either. However, the infestation is comparatively harmless and can be easily controlled with home remedies instead of chemicals.
How can the infestation be identified?
- curled leaves
- Leaf discolouration
- shoots wither
- bubbly bumps on the leaves
Aphids are also easily recognizable with the naked eye. They prefer to stay on the underside of the leaves.
What can be done?
It is often sufficient to hose down the plants vigorously. If necessary, the treatment should be repeated. Nettle broth or onion broth are also effective against aphids. Injecting with soapy water is also successful.
» Tip: To prevent aphid infestation, the plants should not be exposed to longer periods of drought.
Anyone who has developed a taste may want to grow several specimens of this easy-care plant.
This is quite easy to do using the following methods:
- Cuttings
- Lowerer
- Seeds
Propagation by cuttings
Propagation by cuttings is the most common practice. The best time to take the cuttings is late summer. The shoots should be well developed and about eight to ten centimeters long. To prevent the cutting from rotting, remove the lower third of the leaves and fruit.
» Tip: Rooting powder can be applied to ensure that the cuttings root quickly.
Conventional potting soil is suitable for propagating cuttings. Each cutting is placed in a single plant pot. If a plastic hood is put over the plant, rooting can be accelerated.
» Tip: The plastic hood must be aired regularly, otherwise mold can form.
In this way, the cuttings are overwintered in a light and frost-free place. Strong young plants should have developed by next spring, which can be planted outdoors or in containers after the last frosts.
Propagation by lowering
If you want to propagate an existing creeping medlar, use the early summer for this. Next to the mother plant, the soil is cleaned and provided with a groove about ten centimeters long. A branch close to the ground is cleared of foliage and placed in this groove. The tip of the sinker must protrude from the ground and is tied so that it cannot buckle. The groove is closed and weighed down. After about a year, new roots will form on the sinker and the resulting plant can be separated from the mother plant.
Propagation by Seeds
Anyone who already owns creeping medlars can harvest the seeds from the small chokeberries in autumn. Sowing can take place in late autumn. Propagation by seeds is still possible in late winter. It is sown in potting soil. Since the seeds are cold germs, they should first be pre-soaked in a warm room. After about three weeks, the plant pots are placed in the ground outdoors and covered with brushwood or leaves. In late winter, the plant pots are brought back inside and are now beginning to sprout.
Creeping medlars tolerate even severe frosts. As an evergreen plant, the creeping medlar occasionally needs some water on frost-free days. Since moisture is also evaporated through the leaves in winter, there is a risk of dehydration. Kahlfrost can have an unfavorable effect on the plants. On dry and very cold days, protection from brushwood or straw is advisable. Container plants are more vulnerable and should always be wrapped in garden fleece and placed in a sheltered spot.
The creeping medlar as bonsai
If the creeping medlar is cultivated as a bonsai, the plant can be placed outside. The soil is always moist, but should not be kept wet. If the root ball dries out, the fine roots die off very quickly. To increase the humidity and at the same time clean the leaves, an occasional shower with rainwater is a good idea. In order to work out the typical growth form, the bonsai should be cut back about every two months. When transplanting, the roots are also shortened. The branches and twigs can also be wired.
» Tip: Remove the wire when the growth phase begins.
During the growth phase, a bonsai liquid fertilizer can be administered regularly. The creeping medlar is hardy and can overwinter outdoors. The ground should be well covered with brushwood or leaves.