Propagating thrifts - this is how it works by sowing, dividing the roots and cuttings

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You have thrifts in your garden and can't get enough of them? Then simply multiply the cloves. There are several ways to do this.

In principle, you don't have to worry about propagating the plant at all, because the wind transfers the seeds of the thrift. You may be surprised at which places in the garden small thrift plants appear!

You can also do the sowing yourself. You can also cut cuttings or divide the roots. In principle, all methods are successful.

Propagating thrifts by sowing

❶ As seeds you can use the seeds from your own plants. You need to know that the herbaceous perennial, also known as the rock garden carnation, beach grass carnation or alpine grass carnation, flowers from June to September and after flowering small fruits develop in the calyx, each containing a seed. Remove the half-ripe seeds and keep them dry, dark and cool until sowing.

Tip: If you don't have any thrifts yet, you can get the seeds in stores:

❷ There are two times when to sow: either sow directly on the spot in the field from August to September or place the seeds in pots with potting soil in early spring. In the garden, press the seeds about two centimeters deep into the soil and water them. Done!

In the pot, the seeds are only thinly covered with substrate. Then water it too. The germination period is then about 20 to 30 days. During this time, keep the soil permanently slightly moist and place the pot in a bright, moderately warm place. After a few weeks, the young seedlings will be strong enough to put the thrifts in the garden.

Propagating thrifts by cuttings

❶ For propagation by cuttings, cut off young shoots (about seven to eight centimeters long) directly at the base in early summer.

❷ The cuttings are then placed in pots with a mixture of peat and sand. Moisten the substrate well. Alternatively, you can also place the cuttings in the cold frame. OneCling film over the pot ensures a humid and warm climate so that the cuttings root quickly. This takes about six weeks. Always keep the soil slightly moist and air the film daily to prevent mold from forming.

❸ The young plants are planted out in late summer or after winter next spring. If you plant in late summer or autumn, no complex winter protection is necessary. A light covering with brushwood is sufficient. If you overwinter the young plants indoors, it is best to place the plants in a frost-free and cool place.

Dividing the roots of the thrift

As a third option, you can divide the rootstock. This is always useful when the thrift blooms less over the years or becomes bare from the inside. Division works best in early spring or fall. Do this as follows:

❶ Carefully lift the whole bush out of the ground with the digging fork. The roots should be damaged as little as possible.

❷ Shake off the soil and divide the rootstock either by hand or with a sharp knife. Make sure that there are several shoot buds on the sections.

❸ Before replanting the divided rootstocks, remove dead, diseased and damaged root parts.

❹ Then plant the parts in the old or new locations. Important information here.