Ground cover roses - 10 popular varieties

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Delightfully fragrant, abundantly flowering and yet easy to care for. All these arguments speak for ground cover roses in the garden, here are 10 popular varieties at a glance.

Ground cover roses are actually small, low-growing shrubs. But that is precisely why the ground-covering rose plants are so popular and are often planted in beds and rock gardens. Many varieties are very robust and easy to care for, most even hardy. Of course, the most impressive thing is the countless colors and shapes of the flowers.

Ground cover rose 'The Fairy'

The groundcover rose 'The Fairy' grows in a bushy manner and is therefore perfect for beds and larger areas. The salmon-pink flowers are well filled, but only have a subtle scent.

Ground cover rose 'The Fairy' (Rosa 'The Fairy')
Special Features:flowering more often, heat resistant, robust
Growth:50 - 80 cm
Growth:50 cm
Plant Supplies:4 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade

Ground cover rose 'Innocencia' ®

Semi-double, white flower cups make up the ground cover rose 'Innocencia' ®. From June to September you can enjoy the blooms of this ADR rose. The ground cover looks particularly impressive next to lavender or sage.

Ground cover rose 'Innocencia'® (Rosa 'Innocencia' ®)
Special Features:winter, easy to care for, blooms often
Growth:40 - 60 cm
Growth:35 - 50 cm
Plant Supplies:4 - 5 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:profound, humorous, permeable

ADR roses are new roses that have been tested and certified by the ADR (General German Rose Novelty Test).

Ground cover rose 'Mainaufeuer' ®

Even if the medium-sized flowers of the ground cover rose 'Mainaufeuer' ® don't smell, they dothey enchant every garden with their blood-red colour. Faded flowers should be removed regularly to ensure rich flowering.

Ground cover rose 'Mainaufeuer' ® (Rosa 'Mainaufeuer' ®)
Special Features:rainproof, heat tolerant, hardy
Growth:30 - 60 cm
Growth:40 - 60 cm
Plant Supplies:4 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:nutritious, fresh to moist

Ground cover rose 'Foxi' ®

With the Rosa rugosa 'Foxi' ® you get a robust ground cover in the garden, which also has a rich fragrance and is also suitable for planting hedges. The groundcover rose 'Foxi' ® is also an absolute eye-catcher in the bucket, for the balcony and terrace.

Ground cover rose 'Foxi' ® (Rosa rugosa 'Foxi' ®)
Special Features:flowering more often, very hardy
Growth:50 - 80 cm
Growth:40 - 60 cm
Plant Supplies:4 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:rather acidic soil, fresh to moist, deep

Ground cover rose 'White Meidiland' ®

Snow-white flowers make the ground cover rose 'White Meidiland' ® so special. The variety that blooms more often is easy to care for and very well suited for planting in large areas in combination with other perennials.

Ground cover rose 'White Meidiland' ® (Rosa 'White Meidiland' ®)
Special Features:easy-care, heat-tolerant
Growth:50 - 70 cm
Growth:broad, bushy
Usage:Area Planting
Location:Sun to partial shade

Ground cover rose 'Satina' ®

The groundcover rose 'The Fairy' grows in a bushy manner and is therefore perfect for beds and larger areas. The salmon-pink flowers are well filled, but only have a subtle scent.

Ground cover rose / bed rose 'Satina' ® (Rosa 'Satina' ®)
Special Features:ADR Rose, hardy
Growth:40 - 60 cm
Growth:40 - 60 cm
Plant Supplies:4 - 5 plants per m²

Ground cover rose 'Ballerina'

The expansive, wide growth makes the 'Ballerina' rose the perfect ground cover. The delicate white-pink flowers bloom until October. Then small rosehips join in, so that you will be able to enjoy this rose plant well into autumn.

Ground cover rose 'Ballerina' (Rosa 'Ballerina')
Special Features:carries rose hips in autumn, robust, hardy
Growth:60 - 100 cm
Growth:80 - 100 cm
Plant Supplies:2 - 3 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:humous, permeable

Ground cover rose 'Solero' ®

The expansive, wide growth makes the 'Ballerina' rose the perfect groundcover. The delicate white-pink flowers bloom until October. Then small rosehips join in, so that you will be able to enjoy this rose plant well into autumn.

Ground cover rose 'Solero' ® (Rosa 'Solero' ®)
Special Features:ADR Rose, hardy, blooms more often
Growth:60 - 70 cm
Growth:50 - 60 cm
Plant Supplies:4 - 5 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:profound, fresh to moist

Ground Cover Rose 'Bee Willow® Pink

Bee Willow® Rosa got its name because of its bright pink color and the attraction it has to bees. The rose plant grows compact and low and is therefore often seen in rock gardens, but can also be used as a container plant.

'Bee Willow® Pink' (Rosa 'Bee Willow® Pink')
Special Features:ADR Rose, hardy, blooms more often
Growth:40 - 60 cm
Growth:35 - 45 cm
Plant Supplies:4 - 5 plants per m²
Location:Sun untilPenumbra
Floor:easy to heavy, permeable

Ground Cover Rose 'City of Rome' ®

Direct sunlight does not bother the ground cover rose 'Stadt Rom' ® and it can withstand heavy rain showers. From spring to autumn you can enjoy the multitude of pink flowers.

'Ground Cover Rose 'City of Rome' ® (Rosa 'City of Rome' ®)
Special Features:Multiple award-winning ADR rose, blooming more often
Growth:50 - 80 cm
Growth:50 - 60 cm
Plant Supplies:4 - 5 plants per m²
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:Nutrient, profound, fresh to moist