Although crape myrtle likes a lot of warmth and long summers, it has also become native to our latitudes and is quite easy to cultivate.
The loosestrife family originally came from China and Korea. There the crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia) is also called "lilac of the south". In addition, it is known as a child of the sun that surprises with an extraordinary abundance of flowers, with numerous different color variations being possible. In hot summers, the flowers appear as early as July and continue to delight us until autumn.
By planting, you lay the foundation for he althy plant growth and rich flowering. The following information will help you to ensure that you do not go wrong when cultivating crape myrtle.
Find the right location
Warmth and sun are the basic requirements for he althy and rich flowering plants. Crape myrtle likes to spend the summer outdoors. However, our summers are not always unconditionally suitable for offering the exotic species from the Far East ideal conditions. Therefore, a wind-protected location is an advantage. Cool and rainy summers can result in flowers not opening until late summer and some buds not opening at all.
The plants should spend the winter in a cool and dark spot indoors. Since all leaves are shed in autumn, no photosynthesis takes place during the cold season. That's why crape myrtle doesn't need light. Crepe myrtle is also conditionally hardy and usually survives the first frosts quite well.
The ideal location in keywords:
- light
- warm
- sunny
- wind protected
Selecting the ideal substrate
Fresh, well-drained soil is the perfect substrate for he althy, vigorous plants. Poor soil can be upgraded with compost or manure. The soil should also be well-drained so that the planter does not become waterlogged and the sensitive roots are not attacked. In principle, waterlogging can be prevented by draining coarse sand or gravel.
The crape myrtle should be fresh about every two yearspreserve earth. Since the substrate in the planter is used up quite quickly, a complete soil replacement is advisable. You have to lift the plant out of the planter, free the roots from the old substrate and place the crape myrtle in new potting soil.
Keywords for the right substrate:
- fresh
- permeable
- nutrient rich
- mineral
Planting crape myrtle - step by step instructions
- Choose a planter with sufficient drainage holes.
- Prepare substrate.
- Clay granulate or coarse sand drainage.
- Place plant.
- Fill with substrate.
- Press the earth.
- Water the plant.
Crepe myrtle should preferably be planted in a container, as it is better off spending the winter indoors. Outdoor cultivation is also possible in climatically favorable regions. About 30 hybrids cope quite well with our climate and tolerate double-digit frosts.
Outdoors, the crape myrtle prefers a solitary position. Neighboring plants should only emerge two to three meters apart.
How to properly care for crape myrtles
After planting, you should water the crape myrtle well. The soil should never dry out. In addition, there must be no waterlogging. On hot summer days, watering may be necessary several times. The leaves and flowers should not come into contact with the irrigation water if possible. A location that protects the plant from rainwater is also ideal.
In the bucket, the plants have a high nutrient requirement. It is therefore fertilized regularly between spring and late summer. You should also cut back the crape myrtle after flowering so that the plant can gather new strength for the coming flowering.
How to repot crape myrtle correctly
After planting, it should take about two years before you repot the crape myrtle for the first time. So choose a sufficiently large planter right from the start, because crape myrtles should be repotted as little as possible.
The plants should not be repotted while they are flowering or in flower formation. The right time is early spring, before the crape myrtle begins to sprout. Older plants only need to be repotted about every four years. Use high-quality potting soil and upgrade the substrate with compost so that the plants are well supplied with natural fertilizer.
Diseases after planting theAvoid Crape Myrtle
After planting, you should check the crape myrtle more frequently. This provides information on whether the plants are growing well and whether you have chosen the ideal location. Improper site selection or incorrect irrigation can lead to disease and pest infestation.
Aphids are often observed. The pests can be seen with the naked eye and can usually be fought very well without chemicals. A shower with a garden hose is often enough to drive away the pests. Otherwise spraying with garlic stock helps (instructions for making garlic stock).
The occurrence of powdery mildew turns out to be a bigger problem and often requires the use of pesticides. In cool and damp weather there is an increased risk of powdery mildew occurring. If you protect the plant from the rain, fungal infestation can be largely avoided.