Turning compost - How it's done

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February is considered the ideal time to turn over the compost that has been deposited from the previous year. You can find out how this is done here.

February is considered the ideal time because as spring approaches, gardeners need soil that is as nutrient-rich as possible for sowing plants, vegetables, salads and fruit. If you start turning the compost early, you can also take valuable soil out of it several times a year. However, this requires a sufficient supply of oxygen through repeated shifting. And we would now like to explain to you in more detail how this reallocation should take place.

Turning compost - step by step instructions

In frosty February there is usually always enough time to turn the compost. The best way to do this is as follows:

Step 1:

Pull up the compost and start building the compost cone layer by layer.

Step 2:

Now throw the nutrient-rich compost through a sieve, because this will give you very fine soil. Carefully sort out large stones, branches and plant parts that have not rotted and dispose of them if necessary.

If you emptied your compost in February for the first time, then you can layer the sorted plant remains that still need a certain amount of time to decompose at the bottom again.

» Tip:

You should also add some moist soil (leftover compost) to this bottom layer at the same time, as this will speed up the next rotting process.

Step 3:

You can now distribute the finely sieved compost soil evenly over the beds. Important: Spread compost in the greenhouse or in the cold frame. You should also keep a little of the finely sieved compost soil for growing indoor plants or cuttings.

If the surface of the soil is not frozen, it is best to work the compost in with a rake so that it settles more easily. On the other hand, you should not apply compost if there is a solid snow cover!

Step 4:

You should now also check the compost bin for its durabilityand, if necessary, carry out repair work on it.

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» Creating a compost heap - My tips
» Composting correctly - 5 tips
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