Care for lilies in pots - tips for indoor plants

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Pot lilies need a certain amount of care. The most important thing here is the right location and the watering behavior.

Lilies are among the most popular ornamental plants in German gardens, but they can also be planted in pots. It is important to note that the size of the pot matches the size and number of onions. Lilies outdoors are planted approx. 25 cm deep, with pot cultures a planting depth of at least 15 cm is to be maintained. The diameter of the pot - for a single plant - should be a good 20 cm. If several lily bulbs are planted in one pot, the planting distance is 15 cm. Since lilies are sensitive to waterlogging, it is advisable that the pot has drainage holes.

Regardless of whether you plant it yourself or buy a lily from a shop, pot culture needs care in the living room at home. Our little guide explains exactly what you need to pay attention to here.

Caring for lilies in pots

If lilies are cultivated as houseplants, the care effort is really limited. However, there are a few aspects that need to be taken into account so that the lily can thrive in the flower pot.

➔ Location and substrate

In the house or apartment, the lily needs a bright, sunny location, but the bulb flower does not like direct and too much sunlight. The optimal room temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees. If the lily is too warm, it will wither faster.

The substrate should be loose and humus rich and have a high nutrient content. Conventional potting soil can be used, but rhododendron soil is ideal, since lilies have the same requirements as rhododendrons. We recommend low-peat organic special soil with an acidic pH value.

➔ Watering lilies in pots correctly

The warmer it is in the apartment, the more lilies have to be watered. Keep the potting soil evenly moist, it must not dry out. With the finger test it is easy to determine when it is time to water. But it shouldn't be too much water either, because the houseplant doesn't tolerate waterlogging.

➔ Fertilize lilies in pots

If a nutrient-rich substrate has been selected, the room lily hardly needs fertilizer. You can support growth if you do this every week or twoAdd liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water. An alternative is long-term fertilizer in stick form, which is simply inserted into the potting soil.

➔ Pruning lilies in a pot

No pruning during the flowering phase. Cut back only when the flowers have withered (in autumn). Use a sharp knife to avoid injuring the houseplant. It is cut below the inflorescence, about a hand's breadth above the ground.

➔ Overwintering potted lilies

Indoor lilies need a cooler location in winter and therefore have to move to the basement, the garage or a similarly colder room. So that the onion does not dry out, it is watered moderately every two to three weeks. After hibernation you can repot, which gives the bulb new strength to grow.

» Note: Cat owners should place the lilies out of reach of their pets as lilies are poisonous to cats.

Popular varieties of lilies as houseplants

  • Mona Lisa
  • Le Rève
    • Avignon
    • Marco Polo
    • All care tips for lilies in pots at a glance

      1. bright location (15 to 20 degrees), no direct sun
      2. Water regularly, flower bulbs must not dry out, avoid waterlogging
      3. fertilize with liquid fertilizer every 2 to 4 weeks
      4. cut after flowering, in autumn, below the inflorescence
      5. place in a cool place over winter, water every 2 to 3 weeks