You love figs and can't get enough of them? Then just multiply your fig tree. You have several options to do this.
A single fig is already attractive in the garden or on a green area. However, if you want to enjoy fresh figs on a regular basis, you probably want several trees of this type on your property. But do you have to buy and plant new fig trees or can the fig tree from your own stock be propagated in some way?
In fact, you have several options. Because nature is clever. Seeds, cuttings or shoots can be used for this. The versatile forms are based on the survival instinct of the tree. It must react to the weather and protect itself from extinction. Depending on the weather and location, for example, propagation by seeds alone would not be possible. After storms, the seeds are no longer fertile - but shoots and young branches often break off in the storm, from which new fig trees grow. It is precisely this versatility that you can take advantage of when propagating and so easily grow figs.
How to propagate a fig tree
❍ Option 1 - propagate fig tree from offshoots:
Offshoots are one of the easiest ways to make two trees out of a single fig. Because every single branch of the tree can form an offshoot. However, younger branches give you greater chances of leaves forming from the scion. If you choose an older branch, it can happen that the cutting first forms roots and from there develops a usable offshoot.
To get a cutting, remove a branch from your old fig. For example, when you prune your fig tree anyway. Choose a branch that is at least eight inches long and separate it below one eye. You should definitely use very sharp pruning shears or a knife for cutting, so that you don't crush the branch. Otherwise it is questionable whether roots will form. Once you've found and cut a branch, holdfollow the instructions below:
❶ Fill a planter with potting soil, then mix in a little sand to loosen the soil.
❷ Now stick the offshoot about halfway into the ground. Make sure that there is enough space between the bottom of the container and the offshoot so that roots can form.
❸ Then water the soil regularly. It must always be damp, but not soaked.
❹ Put a clear bag over the planter and secure the bag with a rubber band. The bag changes the temperature and humidity in your small greenhouse. The fig will now sprout roots much faster.
It is important that you keep the young figs in a bucket for about two years and only keep them outdoors during the summer months. Young trees are very sensitive to frost and should therefore not be left outdoors or exposed to frost.
❍ Option 2 - propagate fig tree with top cuttings:
Once your figs have developed their first shoots, you can make a head cutting from them. To do this, cut the shoot tips off the tree shortly before flowering. Keep in mind that the top cuttings should have some leaves. The head cuttings can then be grown very well in a water container. Simply place the severed shoot in a glass of water and wait for it to root. However, the pot should not be fully rooted before planting the fig in a tub.
❍ Option 3 - grow fig tree from seed:
The third variant of propagation deals with growing from seeds. You can get the fertile seeds in stores. You can also get them from fresh fig fruits. Choose fresh seeds straight from the fruit, you don't even have to wait for the seeds to dry. You can use the seeds removed with a knife directly. Proceed as follows:
❶ Fill a bucket with a mixture of sand and potting soil.
❷ Then place the seeds on the ground and gently press down.
❸ Stretch clear film over jar and secure. To prevent mold, raise the film for an hour each day to allow air exchange.
❹ Place the jar in a light and warm place. Figs germinate particularly well at temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. An advantage for you: Even in winter you can grow a young fig tree.
❺ Hold thoseSoil constantly damp.
❻ Wait until the seedlings are about two inches tall, then remove a little more foil each day. In this way, the youngsters get used to the new climate.
❼ As soon as the pupils are stronger and almost ten centimeters tall, you can take them out of the container and place them individually. To do this, simply put potting soil and sand in a sufficiently large flower pot and place each pupil in its own container. If you have the space, you can use a flower pot right away.
Tip: After planting, do not place the fig tree in direct sunlight. Get him used to the location first and increase the sun exposure.
❽ It takes two years until the fig can be placed outdoors or you can plant the fig tree. Before that, the tree is too sensitive to frost and should be placed in a safe and frost-free place in winter.
Cultivation, propagation & care of fig trees in video:
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