Conifers are hardy plants and do not normally need any special protection. However, be particularly careful with young plants and conifers planted in tubs.

Conifers (Pinales) have long since adapted to the seasons. Larger trees, conifers with an existing and established root ball, and long-planted thuja do not need additional protection to survive even cold winters.
Young conifers and newly planted trees, on the other hand, need some protection from winter. We'll explain how your conifers will get through the winter well.
Overwinter conifers outdoors
Older conifers that have been planted for several months and are well established do not need any shelter to survive even the coldest winter months. However, it is necessary to give them water in between. If the winter is very dry, you should use frost-free days and water the soil. Evergreen conifers in particular lose moisture through their needles, which they can hardly compensate for in dry winters.
Younger plants, young conifers and specimens planted in autumn, on the other hand, need protection from frost. It is best to cover the needles with fleece and put a jute bag over the conifer. The conifers can breathe through the pores of the bag, and no condensation forms under the hood, which could cause the conifers to become moldy. Cover the soil around the trunk with leaves, brushwood and straw.
» Tip: Even with young plants in the garden, you have to water them in dry winters. However, make sure that you only water the conifers on frost-free days.
Overwinter conifers in tubs
Conifers planted in containers can remain outside all year round. There is no need to put them in the basement or garage. Since even hardy potted plants have little of their own protection against the cold and frost, you must ensure that the plants are not damaged.
» Protect young plants particularly well
Basicallyyou can follow the care tips for young conifers. If the potted plant has been in the pot for a few years and you cut it back regularly, you can do without the protective fleece and the jute sack. Otherwise wrap fleece around the needle branches again and put a jute sack over the conifer.
» Protect the ground from the cold
It is more important to protect the soil against the winter cold. Set the bucket a little higher if possible. You can do this by placing pieces of wood or a thick layer of Styrofoam under the bucket. Bubble wrap has been proven to keep the soil from freezing through. Simply wrap the foil directly around the bucket. Cover the earth around the trunk again with straw, brushwood or old leaves.
» Tip: If you don't have any leaves, you can put a thick layer of sawdust on the ground and cover with straw. Feel free to use the shavings from the animal supply. Straw covered with bubble wrap or weighted down with stones also protects the soil from frost.
» Don't forget to water!
Potted plants don't have the luxury of drawing moisture from deep in the ground. Therefore, many potted plants die in winter. Check regularly whether the soil still has moisture and water it on frost-free days. Always remember that even in the harshest of winters, evergreen conifers lose moisture through their needles.