Leaf nets - protection for your pond


Anyone who has a pond in their garden will have a lot of fun with it, but also a lot of work. And he has to pay attention to a number of things, especially when there are still fish swimming in the pond. A net should be stretched over the pond by September at the latest to prevent the leaves from falling into the water. Of course, this only makes sense if the garden has deciduous trees or if a lot of leaves from the neighborhood can fall into the pond.

Tighten the leaf net
Because the leaves sink to the bottom of the pond, release nutrients and thus enrich the water. This removes oxygen from the water and creates a layer of sludge on the bottom. You should therefore stretch a net that should not be suspended in the water, otherwise the leaves would also come into contact with the water and release nutrients again. To do this, drive pegs into the ground at the edge of the pond and stretch the net over them. You can then simply remove the foliage from the mesh periodically.

A leaf net saves work
When the leaf fall has stopped, you can remove the net again in December at the latest and thanks to the leaf net you will have it next spring no more work with the pond cleaning. These leaf nets are available in various sizes.