Pansies set beautiful and long-lasting accents in every garden with their wide range of colours. But only if you fertilize the flowers.

Basically, it is entirely up to you whether you plant the pansies in beds, on the balcony or in pots. They actually cut a fine figure everywhere. In addition, they are very frugal and make few demands, which is why they are also well suited for inexperienced gardeners. However, if you want to have some of the flowers for a long time, we advise you to fertilize the pansies. So you can enjoy the colorful splendor from spring to summer.
How to properly fertilize pansies
➔ at planting:
Pansies only need a little fertilizer to flower continuously. When planting, it is best to add some compost to the soil to give the plants a good start. Slow-acting, natural fertilizers such as horn shavings or horn meal are also suitable.
➔ after planting:
Pansies that bloom in spring do not need to be fertilized after planting. Summer pansies, on the other hand, can be given a little liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. You do not have to buy an extra fertilizer in the garden store. You can mix nettle manure with irrigation water in a ratio of 1:2 and then fertilize the pansies with it.
» Reading tip: Nettle manure - An environmentally friendly fertilizer.