Barberry - cultivation and care


The common barberry, also known as sour thorn, can be found in many gardens. You can find out here how to care for it and what you should look out for when it comes to fruit.

The easy-care sour thorn is widespread in the gardens and forest edges of Europe. One reason for this is certainly that the sour thorn berries, which are extremely rich in vitamins, can be excellently processed into jam and juice. For which, however, only the red, ripe berries may be used.

Caution: All other sourthorn berries, roots and sometimes also the leaves are extremely poisonous!

» Tip: If you dry the red berries in autumn, you can then mix them into the muesli in portions. This is not only he althy, but also totally delicious. The ripe berries can also be added to sweet and sour meat dishes.

The barberry can grow up to three meters high. It should be planted in partial shade if possible, although it also tolerates sunny spots well. On top of that, it is ideal for dense shrubbery (including hedges). Dry soils are generally preferred.

In early spring, taking into account the frosty season, the shoots of the sour thorn should be pruned so that it can shine bright yellow from May to June flowers that hang like grapes on the bush. But be careful, the bush has thorns that protect against animal bites.

If harsh winter days are feared, the trunk of the barberry should be piled up with some leaves or mown grass, which will protect it from possible frost damage. In general, the sour thorn is considered hardy.

Unfortunately, sour thorn is often attacked by black rust, a fungal disease that is dangerous for grain. Which is why all barberries were even eradicated for years. The problem with this pest infestation is that the fungal spores are carried by the wind and bees and thus pose a threat to nearby grain locations. Which is why this pest (recognizable by the rust-like infestation of the leaves) must always be combated immediately - effective means are available in specialist shopsavailable.