Pests in July - beech aphid, powdery mildew, cabbage white


Pests are not only a nuisance, they also destroy our beautiful flowers. Read here how to recognize pests that appear in July.

Less pests - less worries
How beautiful our gardens would be and how less worries we would have if there weren't all the pests that our plants didn't have are well disposed. There are countless of these pests, impossible to list them all. That's why we want to limit ourselves to three, which occur mainly in July.

Pests in July - Beech Aphid, Powdery Mildew, Cabbage White

  1. Beech aphid: It mainly affects hornbeam hedges. You will notice this when the leaves curl up and turn brown. The reason is the honeydew that the louse produces and thus causes sooty mold fungi.
  2. Powdery mildew: This fungus can grow on all sorts of plants. It consists of a white coating that occurs mainly on the upper side of the leaf. Vegetables are also affected.
  3. Cabbage white butterfly: It is not the butterfly that is harmful, but the caterpillars. These eat away many leaves and make plants bare, which leads to their death. You should collect this pest from the respective plant.

Otherwise, using Schädlingsfrei helps in all three cases. Even if you should avoid chemicals in the garden as much as possible, sometimes there is no way around it.