Peach liqueur is available in stores. But why buy one when you can make it yourself? This recipe shows you how.
Jam, mousse, sorbet - as is well known, many delicious things can be prepared from strawberries, oranges and co. But have you ever made your own peach liqueur? After all, peaches can not only be used to make compote and dried fruit, but also to make alcoholic beverages.It's not even that difficult. In addition, homemade peach liqueur is also much tastier than store-bought because it is made from very fresh fruit. Convince yourself of it and make your first peach liqueur. You certainly won't want to drink any more store-bought peach liqueur in the future.
Ingredients for making Peach Liqueur
- 1 kg of peaches
- 1/2 bottle of rum
- 1 bottle of wheat grain
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5 cloves
- 1 Lemon
- 200 g sugar
Preparation of the peach liqueur
» Step 1:
First you need to remove the stones from the peaches. To do this, halve the peaches and then unscrew or cut the core.
» Step 2:
The next step is to season the fruit. You need a container with a volume of at least three liters. In addition to the peach halves, add the sliced lemon, the cloves and the cinnamon stick to this. Now add the rum and schnapps so that all of the fruit is completely covered with the alcohol.
Now close the jar tightly, because no more air must get in or out. Then keep the jar in a warm place for three weeks.
» Step 3:
After the three weeks have passed, you must separate the fruit from the liquid. To do this, simply pour off the liquid through a sieve.
» Step 4:
Put 250ml of water on the stove and dissolve 200g of sugar in it. Then add the sugar solution to the alcoholic liquid.
» Step 5:
Let the liqueur "mature" for another three to four months.To do this, have the liqueur filled into several bottles and let it steep for so long.
By the way: You don't have to throw away the fruit. You can still eat them. However, the very high alcohol content must be taken into account.