Winter jasmine - cultivation and care


Winter jasmine conjures up a touch of spring in the garden in winter with its yellow flowers. Read here where to plant winter jasmine and how to care for it.

Yellow flowers

If nothing has bloomed in the garden for a long time, the winter jasmine - blooming time from around December (in a milder climate) to the beginning of April - delights its owners with a splendor of yellow flowers. It should not be confused with the spring-blooming forsythia.

Blooming House Planting

The easy-care climbing plant is ideal for blooming house plants during the cold season. Winter jasmine is ideal for house walls, archways, wicker fences and the like. It is extremely popular everywhere as a winter perennial.

And even in the period from April to October, the glossy green, lush foliage of the winter jasmine looks extremely elegant. The winter jasmine also forms black berries during this time, but these are less prominent visually.


Selection of location:
The winter jasmine needs nutrient-rich soil, which should not, however, store any water (such as loamy soil) so that the frost really does not affect it can wear. In addition, a sunny to semi-shady, well-protected location should be selected in order to achieve a really lush bloom in the winter woods.

Tip: Cut branches just before they open and bring them into the living room. Combined with a bit of fir green, this makes a pretty vase bouquet.


» Climbing aids:
In principle, the winter jasmine should be provided with sufficient climbing aids around which it can meander or be tied to. In this way, it easily reaches a height of up to 5 meters.

» Pruning in spring:
Regular pruning in spring (after the frosty days) promotes its branching and the non-fragrant winter jasmine into the desired shape brought.

» Fertilizing:
Furthermore, some lime and compost should be added to the soil during this time, which is absolutely beneficial for the winter jasmine.