Did you know that you can grow a magnolia from seed yourself? This is quite easy, but you will need some patience here.
Magnolias look simply gorgeous and enchant us year after year with their great blossoms. Unfortunately, a magnolia tree from the hardware store or garden center can sometimes be a bit expensive. So it's no wonder that more and more hobby gardeners are asking themselves how they can propagate them themselves. If you are a very patient person, you can propagate the magnolia from seeds, for example.How do I get the seeds of the magnolia tree?
After the magnolia has bloomed, elongated pods develop from its flowers. These are also commonly referred to as "folk fruits". Inside are the seeds. And that's how you get them:
Once the pods of the tree are dry, they burst open. This is the right time to remove the seeds, which are in a red shell. You must then leave the seeds in lukewarm water for a few days. After that, you can take them out of the water and grate the red pulp. Then place the dark magnolia seeds in a storage jar with some damp sand. The seeds must be completely surrounded by the sand. Then close the can airtight and store in the vegetable or freezer compartment of the refrigerator until sowing.
How to propagate magnolia seeds
You can sow the seeds in early spring, when the garden soil is not so cold. The best way to do this is as follows:
- First fill the flower pots with a little loose substrate. Then put the seeds in and cover with soil. The height of the layer of earth overlying the cores should correspond to the diameter.
- Now you can dig and water the flower pots in the garden. The soil should be well moist.
- The germination time of the seeds varies greatly. So it can happen that some seeds germinate quite quickly, while others have to wait many months. Here you have to be patient.
There is everything to consider afterwards
If the air is cool, it is advisable to use the flower pots in the eveningcovered by a glass plate. However, if heavier frost sets in, it is better to dig up the pots again and move them to a frost-free but cooler location.
The sprouted, young magnolias are also very sensitive to frost. For this reason, it is advisable to leave the plants in the pots for another winter and to bring them indoors when there is frost. The following winter you can then plant the magnolias directly in the garden.
» Reading tip: Planting magnolias - step by step instructions.