Honeysuckle - how to plant and care for honeysuckle

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Honeysuckle, also known as Jelängerjelieber, prefers a sunny spot and is fragrant in the evenings.

The garden honeysuckle or real honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) can be found wild in sparse forests. The climbing plant with its rather unusual name Jelängerjelieber is characterized by lush growth. Providing a home for this creeper in the garden will attract numerous insects to your garden and delight in the fragrant flowers.

Honeysuckle - origin and properties

Jelängerjelieber belongs to the honeysuckle family. The perennial climbing plant is quite common in Europe and the Near East and can be found in sparse forests or as wild growth in hedges.

The plants grow to a height of about three to six meters and can grow several meters wide with age. The growth height is about 40 centimeters per year.
The honeysuckle blooms from May. The flower heads are whitish to yellowish and also red to pink depending on the variety. In the evening hours, the flowers exude an intense fragrance and doves and moths will gather in the garden. In autumn, the birds find a rich supply of food in the orange berries.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium)
Growth Speed:30 - 50 cm a year
Growth:300 - 600 cm
Growth:100 - 300 cm
Root system:Herzwurzler
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:likes lime, fresh to moist, nutritious, humic, permeable

Location and Ground

Honeysuckle thrives in both sun and light shade. The soil should be fresh and permeable. The creepers like lime. Lime should therefore also be applied to slightly acidic soil.

» Tip: Use fine-grained garden lime to avoid damaging the plant.

Plant a little longer - step by step

The honeysuckle can be found in theCan be planted in fall and spring. There should be no frost.

How to proceed:

  1. Select location (sun to partial shade)
  2. Prepare soil (loosen up, lime if necessary, mix in compost)
  3. Dig planting hole
  4. Insert root ball in the middle
  1. Fill substrate
  2. Press the earth lightly
  3. Water honeysuckle well
  4. Attach trellis

» Tip:Planting in tubs is also possible. However, it is essential to use high-quality potting soil and a planter with a minimum volume of 40 liters.

If dense vegetation is to be achieved, the planting distance between two honeysuckles is 50 centimetres. A distance of one meter should be maintained to other plant neighbors. In this way, the plants can develop well and do not hinder each other.

Jelängerjelieber - 3 popular varieties

You can add pretty accents by cultivating different varieties of honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle Major

- bears yellow and red flowers, flowering period: from June

Honeysuckle Anna Fletcher

- bears creamy yellow flowers, flowering period: April to May

Honeysuckle Inga

- bears yellow flowers, flowering period: from June

Proper care of real honeysuckle

The climbing plant requires little care and inspires with a lush abundance of flowers. A sunny location is a prerequisite for flowering. The root ball should not dry out. If the drought persists, water regularly.

» Tip: A layer of mulch protects the root ball from drying out.

In spring, the plant should receive an organic long-term fertilizer. This can be distributed under the mulch layer and provides the plant with all the necessary nutrients over the summer.

Jelängerjelieber does not necessarily have to be trimmed. If the shoots are shortened after flowering, the hobby gardener can be surprised by a second flowering in autumn. Over time, the honeysuckle tends to become bare. Rejuvenation pruning is necessary every three to four years. About a third of the older shoots are removed to stimulate new growth.

Prefer to multiply

Propagation can be done by layering, cuttings or sowing. The seeds can be detached from the berries.

The berries of the honeysuckle are poisonous. wear gloves,if you win the seeds.

To propagate the plant using layering, bend down a woody shoot and carve it lightly. The shoot is covered with soil. The tip remains visible. When roots have formed, you can cut off the planter and transplant it separately.

Cuttings can be cut from fresh shoots. A cutting should be about 12 inches long. After the lower leaves have been removed, the cutting is grown in potting soil in a bright, warm location.