If you are looking for a fast-growing climbing plant, the scarlet vine is the best choice. It is easy to grow and also extremely easy to care for.

The scarlet wine belongs to the grapevine family. With its attractive autumn colors, the rust-red grapevine lives up to its name. Although the fruits of Virginia creeper are inedible for us humans, they represent a feast for birds. Scarlet wine comes from Asia and was first scientifically described at the end of the 19th century. Scarlet wine is often cultivated in our latitudes, not least because of its pretty, rust-red autumn colour. Below you will find out what needs to be considered when cultivating and caring for the grapevine plant.
The Appearance of Scarlet Wine
The russet grapevine is an avid climber and can grow up to 25 meters tall. Characteristic are the felty, red-brown shoots. The plant lacks inflorescences or tendrils on every third node of the shoot. The leaves consist of petiole and leaf blade. There are short, pointed teeth at the edge of the leaf. While the upper side of the leaves appears almost bare and slightly wrinkled, the underside of the leaves has a rust-red color along the leaf veins and appears felty. The scarlet vine blooms rather inconspicuously. The small, black fruits are about one centimeter in size. The magnificent crimson autumn color is a real eye-catcher.
Occurrence and use of the russet grapevine
The natural range of the plants is limited to the Japanese islands of Honshu, Hokkaido and Shikoku. Populations have also been recorded in eastern Russia and the Korean Peninsula. The scarlet wine is mostly found in forests and prefers fresh soil and sunny to light-shaded locations. The attractive wine is mainly used in our latitudes for high greening. A free location on fences or arcades is also possible.
» Tip: Freestanding scarlet vine is less susceptible to powdery mildew.
Red Vine Leaves for He alth
The red vine leaves in autumn are not only visually attractive, they can also be used for he alth. In theLeaves contain flavonoids. These have a positive effect on vein function. This anti-inflammatory effect is also known from the horse chestnut. Appropriate preparations can be used for minor complaints such as tired and heavy legs.
When will the scarlet vine bloom?
Between June and July, the flowers of the scarlet vine appear. These appear rather inconspicuous and stand in panicles up to twelve centimeters long. The black berry fruits appear in autumn, which are not suitable for us to eat, but provide a welcome source of food for birds in winter.
Planting Scarlet Vine
The scarlet wine is an ornament all year round. The plants are fast-growing and robust. The deciduous leaves make an immaculate impression and are rarely attacked by pests. In autumn, all eyes are on the attractive leaf colour. If you would like to soon call this vine, which is still rarely cultivated, your own, you can find out here what you need to consider when planting the russet vine.
Find the right location
The russet vine thrives in a sunny to partially shaded location. The planting distance should be about five meters. Also note the growth height of almost 20 meters.
» Tip: A sunny location ensures attractive autumn colours.
If the location is chosen too shady, it can happen that the plant completely misses its magnificent autumn colors. A wind-protected location is also advantageous for the scarlet wine. The plants grow quite quickly and can gain three to five meters in height every year. After a few years you will already have a lush growing decorative plant.
The ideal location in keywords:
- light
- sunny
- enough space
- wind protected
The red vine as a green facade
A facade adorned with a scarlet vine is sure to catch the eye. However, the direct greening of house facades should also be viewed critically. If the vine climbs up the wall of the house, it can anchor itself in the plaster and will not be able to be detached without problems. It can happen that wall damage occurs and whole sections of wall are torn out. Therefore, use cable systems and corresponding kits, such as this one here, to provide the plants with a trellis and to avoid direct greening of facades.
Selecting the ideal substrate
The land claims of theplants are rather small. The substrate should be fresh and nutritious. Here it makes sense to mix in compost as a long-term fertilizer immediately when planting. A sandy to sandy-loamy soil is well tolerated. The scarlet wine grows in a slightly acidic to alkaline soil. The potting soil can be kept slightly moist.
The ideal substrate in keywords:
- fresh
- moist
- nutrient rich
- sandy
- loamy
- acidic to alkaline
Planting Instructions:
❶ Best planting time - spring or late autumn
❷ Loosen the soil and enrich it with organic fertilizer
❸ Dig a planting hole twice the size of the root ball
❹ Plant
❺ Fill in the substrate
❻ Shake the plant slightly
❼ Press down the soil slightly
❽ Water the plant
A mild day should be chosen for planting the scarlet vine. The soil can not only be loosened up and freed from weeds and stones as part of the preparation, it is also a good idea to mix in compost and horn shavings. Enriched in this way, the substrate becomes a nutrient-rich basis for the young plant to thrive. If several plants are to be used, a planting distance of at least two meters must be maintained. The plants spread quickly and would otherwise hinder each other's growth. Loosen the soil well and be careful not to damage the roots when planting.
Keeping the Rust Red Vine in the Bucket
Carrying a bucket of Scarlet Wine is possible, but has a downside. Plants in tubs will probably not bloom for years and will not produce fruit. In the case of this ornamental wine, however, this can be overcome. The flower appears rather inconspicuous, the fruits are inedible for us humans. However, the attractive autumn color is retained in any case and justifies keeping it in a bucket in any case. While plants grow luxuriantly outdoors, this can quickly change with potted plants. If there is only little substrate available and this is not renewed for a long time, the vines grow poorly and have smaller leaves than plants cultivated outdoors.
» Attention: Potted plants have a higher water and nutrient requirement than outdoor plants.
Important care tips for Virginia creeper

❍ Watering and fertilizing:
Especially during long periods of drought, the plants need a lot of water. castHowever, it should be used with care, because the plants do not tolerate waterlogging. If the scarlet wine is too damp for a long time, this can attack the roots. If the plants are not transplanted promptly and the soil is exchanged, the russet vine will probably not be able to be saved.
If, on the other hand, the plant has less water available, this appears less dramatic. The growth will then fall short of the expectations of the hobby gardener. But only on very rare occasions will a scarlet wine perish because too little has been consumed.
Fertilization should also be done with care. If compost or horn shavings are mixed into the soil during planting, this already serves as sustainable fertilization. Liquid fertilizer can also be added to the irrigation water during the growing season. Fertilization should be stopped in late summer. Otherwise, new shoots would form, which would not be able to fully mature before the frost set in.
» Tip: Fertilize moderately. If the plant is over-fertilized, this will be at the expense of the pretty autumn colours.
❍ Pruning:
Since the scarlet vine grows several meters a year, it is important to slow down the growth, depending on the site conditions. This can be done with a summer and winter pruning. The red grapevine tolerates pruning well and will not take it amiss if you use the scissors several times a year to put the fast-growing plant in its place.
» Tip: Before pruning, check whether the plant has become a home for birds. If inhabited bird nests are sighted, the cut is to be postponed.
❍ Diseases and pests:
The scarlet wine is quite robust and is rarely attacked by diseases or pests. The greatest danger for the plant is waterlogging. This leads to rotting of the roots and often to the death of the plant.
Occasionally observed:
- Powdery mildew
- Verticillium wilt
- Mealybugs
» Powdery mildew - danger for the plant
Powdery mildew can be recognized by a whitish coating that spreads across the surface of the leaves. In the advanced stage, in addition to the leaves, fronds and stems are also affected. The plant will no longer grow as usual. Severe infestations can lead to the death of the plants. However, this has hardly been observed with scarlet wine.
How can powdery mildew be prevented?
- bright, sunny location
- nutrient-rich soil
- constant temperatures
- protected location
The plant is ahead of us
The Virginia Creeper is smarter than we thought. As scientists have recently found out, the plants know how to help themselves to defend themselves against powdery mildew. The fungus usually enters the plant through leaf openings. Powdery mildew can detect this through the metabolic product nonanal, which penetrates through the openings. Numerous varieties of Virginia creeper are able to exude nonanal over a large area in order to distract from the actual weak point.
» Verticillium wilt and mealybugs - danger for the leaves
If the scarlet vine leaves turn yellow, Verticillium wilt is suspected. The fungus penetrates the plants via the soil and obstructs the water pathways, so that the plant no longer receives enough moisture and nutrients. If you protect the roots when planting and offer the scarlet wine optimal conditions, you will hardly have any problems with this fungal disease. Verticillium wilt mainly occurs on Virginia creeper in too dry and nutrient-poor locations.
If there are white webs on the leaves, these are probably caused by mealybugs. The pests, which are around five millimeters in size, have proboscises and take the sap from the leaves. The result is the withering and dying of the leaves. Mealybugs can usually be eliminated with soapy water, nettle decoction or garlic tincture without the use of chemical pesticides.
❍ Overwintering:
The russet vine is considered hardy. Strong and mature plants get through the cold season without outside help. Young plants are grateful for the protection of the sensitive roots. To do this, apply a layer of mulch to the soil around the plant. Potted plants are also less robust. While they can remain outdoors, they should be moved to a sheltered spot and given a protective covering of leaves or twigs.
At a glance:
Care measure | Explanation |
Select location | ❍ The scarlet vine feels most comfortable in the sun and this is evident from its vigorous growth and impressive autumn colours. ❍ The more shade the plant gets, the smaller the fruits appear and the leaf color also falls short of the hobby gardener's expectations. |
Watering and fertilizing | ❍ Casting requires finesse. ❍Young plants in particular need sufficient water. ❍ Waterlogging is not tolerated. ❍ If there is a lack of water, the plant will only grow to a limited extent. ❍ Fertilizer can be used during the growing season. ❍ Scarlet Vine should no longer receive fertilizer from August. |
Cut | ❍ With young plants, only the fresh shoots are shortened. ❍ With older plants, branches that are too lush are cut back in late summer. |
Wintering | ❍ Scarlet Vine is hardy. ❍ A sheltered location can be beneficial, especially for young plants. ❍ A layer of mulch over the soil provides root protection for outdoor plants. ❍ Container plants should receive winter protection and move to a sheltered location. |
How to multiply scarlet wine?
The propagation of the russet vine can be made by cuttings and offshoots.
❍ Propagation by cuttings
This type of propagation is easy and can also be carried out by laypeople. In the fall, the approximately 25 centimeter long cuttings are cut. These should have multiple eyes. The cuttings are then planted directly in their new location. Since the cuttings are not hardy, appropriate protection is necessary.
Alternatively, cultivation in a plant pot is also possible:
❶ cut cutting
❷ place in seed pot
❸ two buds should stick out of the ground
❹ use potting soil or peat-sand mixture
❺ Water the substrate
❻ choose a bright, warm location
❼ no direct sunlight
If the cuttings are planted in autumn, strong plants should have developed from them by spring. After the frost, they can move to their desired outdoor location. It is also possible to keep it in a bucket.
❍ Propagation by planters
Hobby gardeners have also had good experiences with propagation by layering. Shoots that reach down to the ground are used for this. You choose a strong and sufficiently long shoot and fix it in the ground. For this purpose, the shoot is covered with substrate and weighed down with stones or the like. Autumn is the best time to propagate. Strong plants form within a year, which are then separated from the mother plant and continue to grow as an independent plant.
The rust red grapevine as a bonsai
Old scarlet wine vines can be used to make pretty onesBonsai plants are grown. Plants should be watered daily during the growing season. Special liquid fertilizer for bonsai plants can also be administered between April and August. The bonsai should be repotted every two to three years. Be extra careful when wiring. The design is upright, cascaded or semi-cascaded. In spring, the scarlet vine bonsai is susceptible to late frosts.