Get your cat used to the garden - Here's how it works

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Sniffing, observing and playing outside: there is nothing more beautiful for cats. We have tips on how to get your cat used to the garden.

You just moved and now have a garden? Or have you just recently gotten a cat? Then you should consider that cats sometimes need to run around to let off steam. What could be nicer than a garden with so much to discover?

But before you can send your cat out on its own, you first have to get it used to being outside and to the new environment. Because not every cat dares to go outside right away. Especially young kittens and cats that have only been kept indoors up to now have a hard time with this. But with a little practice and a lot of patience, you will soon be able to let your cat run around the garden on its own.

But beware: There are many poisonous plants for cats in the garden. You should remove these if necessary.

A lot of patience is required

The characters of cats are very different. Just like with us humans. You have to take this individual character into account and therefore, under certain circumstances, also have a lot of patience. You won't achieve anything with your animal with pressure. So it may be a few weeks before your cat explores the garden on its own. Many animals are initially afraid of freedom and the unfamiliar noises outside.

But before you can even go outside, it is important that you make your garden cat-proof. This is the only way to prevent your cat from running into the street or escaping. You can find important tips on this in our article Making the garden cat-proof - 6 important tips.

Proceed step by step

➤ Step 1 - go into the garden with cat harness:

Just like us humans, anxious cats also need safety above all. After all, the garden is something completely new for them, something unknown, so it is clear that they are unsure. You can support your animal by first taking it into the garden with a cat harness. This makes many cats feel safer and prevents them from running away if they are startled.

You should be like this with your cat in the garden for 14 daysgo for a walk and let them slowly explore everything. You should always speak to your animal in a calm, quiet voice, because that way it feels safe and secure. Your cat should be able to sniff everything in peace and take as much time as she likes.


The door to the house should always be left open so that your cat can go back inside if necessary. Of course, a cat flap is even better.

➤ Step 2 - first walks without cat harness:

After about two weeks of exploring the harness, your cat should feel comfortable. Now you can let her out in the garden without a harness or leash. However, go outside with your pet. Even then, you should leave the house or patio door open so that your pet has a place to retreat to.

In the meantime, you should call your cat by its name from time to time, as this will help it find its way home faster and give it more security.

➤ Step 3 - Send cat alone:

If you have the feeling that your cat has gotten used to everything and can find its way to the front door without calling, then you can send it into the garden on its own. Wherever you let your cat outside, always put a bowl of food so that it can strengthen itself in between. It also helps cats remember where their home is.


If your cat ever disappears from the garden, stand in the exact spot where you always let it out in the garden and call for your cat. This will help her remember the way home better.