When the colorful summer bloomers slowly say goodbye, the summer heath gets its brilliant appearance. However, in order for the plant to flower until winter, it needs regular water and some fertilizer.
The summer heather (Calluna vulgaris), also known as common heather, is an undemanding shrub that brings color to the garden from late summer to the beginning of winter. It thrives in moist, nutrient-rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
The plant finds ideal conditions in the heather garden or bog bed. If you water the summer heather moderately and fertilize occasionally, you support growth and can look forward to a long flowering period. You will get more detailed information on this now.
Water heather in a pot or tub
Heather shrubs are easy to care for and tolerate short periods of drought well. Water only when necessary, i.e. only when the upper layer of soil is dry - and then please moderately, because the summer heath does not like waterlogging at all. If the plant is growing in a pot or bucket, make sure that no water remains in the saucer.
Tip: Lime-free to low-lime water or rainwater is best, preferably at a slightly warm temperature.
Forgot to water and the plant in the pot has dried out completely? No panic. Submerge the whole pot in a large bucket until no more air bubbles rise. This is how the common heather recovers quickly.
Water summer heather outdoors
In the open ground, summer heather can survive longer without water if the soil conditions are right. A well-drained, loose to sandy and moderately nutrient-rich soil is favourable. The soil can be slightly acidic. You can improve soil that is too calcareous with bone meal. Heavy, compacted garden soil can be loosened up with peat or bog soil. To do this, dig up the soil spade-deep and work in additional sand or gravel. A layer of bark mulch retains moisture and provides nutrients.
Common heather can stay outside in winter. Even then, the soil should be evenly moist. Pour onfrost-free days. In addition, moist leaves piled up around the plant ensure that the area does not dry out.
Fertilizing heather: Better moderately than too much
In principle, the robust plants provide themselves with the required nutrients. In spring you can help with mature compost or a bog bed or rhododendron fertilizer, such as Compo liquid fertilizer.
Before planting the plants, horn shavings are suitable, which you work into the substrate. During the flowering phase, mineral or organic fertilizer in liquid form in the irrigation water is well tolerated. Fertilize at longer intervals, about every three to four weeks. In the winter months you do not need to fertilize the plants.