Watering and fertilizing the rubber tree - That's how it's done

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If you don't have a green thumb, the rubber tree is the right plant for you. Even when watering and fertilizing there is not much to consider.

In the 1960s there was hardly a household without a rubber tree. No wonder, because the rubber tree is really very easy to care for. But even today, many appreciate the Ficus Elastica very much. After all, it is one of the green plants that always thrives - even if you don't have a green thumb. You only have to pay attention to a few points when watering and fertilizing.

How to water the rubber tree correctly

➤ Dipping instead of watering:

The rubber tree is suitable for households that want to or can spend relatively little time caring for green plants. For example, the Ficus Elastica does not even have to be watered. Since it doesn't like waterlogging, you only need to dip the flower pot in water instead. And this until no more water bubbles rise from the ground. Then you just have to wait for the excess water to drain. Then you can put the gum tree back in place.

Once submerged, the rubber tree can survive for a few weeks without fresh water. Only when the soil is completely dry again do you have to repeat the dipping process.

➤ prefer rainwater:

If diving is not possible, you can simply water your rubber tree with a watering can and tap water. However, rainwater contains more nutrients and is softer, so you should prefer it. So it's best to put a rain barrel in the garden.

How to properly fertilize your rubber tree

The rubber tree does not necessarily have to be fertilized. However, over time it draws all the nutrients from the soil. So if you don't even repot it with fresh soil, you should fertilize it at regular intervals. This way the rubber tree will grow and thrive better.

You can use normal complete fertilizer. Special fertilizer is therefore not necessary. Experts recommend fertilizing the rubber tree every three weeks. If you don't do this, the Ficus Elasticus will grow more slowly until it eventually stops growing completely.