Recognize easy-care potted plants - pay attention to these characteristics

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If you don't have a green thumb, easy-care potted plants are always the best choice. They almost can't go in at all. But how do you recognize them?

You probably know that too: you buy a beautiful potted plant and within a few weeks it has died. This is what happens if you don't find out about the right care measures beforehand and just water the plant every now and then.

If you want to prevent this, then use easy-care potted plants right from the start. This is particularly advisable for laypeople who do not have that much experience with plants and gardening. But how do you recognize easy-care potted plants? It's actually not difficult at all, as there are a few characteristics that indicate low-maintenance potted plants.

How to recognize easy-care potted plants

❍ thick sheets:

You can recognize robust and easy-care potted plants by the fact that they have thick leaves, among other things. If they are also leathery, then you can be sure that they do not require too much care, as they retain water for a long time.

The easy-care potted plants with thick leaves include the rubber tree, the wreath sling, the kalanchoe and the zamioculcas.

❍ thick stem:

The stems, which are comparatively strong, are also an indication of how much care potted plants may require. If they are particularly thick, then you can assume that the potted plants do not need much water and sometimes even longer Time without being able to do.

Potted plants that are particularly easy to care for and have a thicker stem include the birch fig, the bow hemp and the elephant's foot. The latter plant species can do without water for several months, so you only have to pay attention to the right location in the garden, for example directly at the window of the arbor.

❍ Cacti:

In addition to succulent plants, numerous cacti are also considered to be very easy to care for. However, this does not only mean the cacti that have spines. Also limb cacti with theirthick leaf elements are very easy to care for.

The great thing: many cacti bloom several times during the winter months. Most cacti not only feel very comfortable in sunny places, they also do very well in dry heating air. You only have to water a little and only when the soil has dried well. In winter, on the other hand, you don't have to water at all.