Video: piling up roses - it's that easy

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Roses are popular with most home gardeners. If you want to enjoy the beautiful flowers every year, you must not forget to winterize your roses during the cold season. This also includes piling up the roses - a job that is often forgotten.

In this video, Jörg Schneider from the Schneider garden nursery in Berlin Kladow explains why piling up is so important and, above all, how to do it. He also gives tips on pruning the roses. A very informative video if you don't know how to prepare your roses for winter.

Important Note:

In standard roses, the grafting point is directly under the crown. Here a special winter protection is necessary to protect the plant from freezing. Jute bags or special foils are particularly suitable here. This allows you to wrap up the entire crown and protect it from the frost. You can get jute bags in most hardware stores, garden centers or online for less than 10 euros.

DO NOT USE PLASTIC BAGS! Here the air heats up too much and would cause the plant to sprout earlier.