Video: Grow garlic yourself - it's that easy

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Garlic - you either like it or you don't like it. There is rarely anything in between. But if you're a fan of the little tuber, you'll actually season all your dishes with it.

If you love garlic so much, then of course you want to have it in your own garden. What speaks against it? Growing garlic is not as difficult as many think. In this, Severin explains in detail what is important in the cultivation and, above all, when the right time is. Because if you plant too early or too late, you have to reckon with puny little plants. Who wants that?

Enjoy watching!

Did you know?

Garlic is not only a tasty spice in the kitchen, it also has healing properties. It disinfects the intestines and has anti-cancer properties. This has now been proven in a number of studies (more on this here).