Cutting hawthorn - that's how it's done!

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As far as pruning is concerned, the hawthorn is quite uncomplicated. You can decide for yourself whether it should be a topiary or a hedge.

The hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) needs a spot in the garden where it can develop freely. Not only do the plants bloom extraordinarily profusely, they also grow quickly and can reach a height of more than five meters and a width of over two meters. Not every hobby gardener will be able to offer the plant this space. Regular pruning is necessary to ensure that the hawthorn retains its shape and the size can be checked. The flexible plants are also suitable for topiary.

Hawthorn easy to care for and easy to shape

First you should agree on whether you would rather call a shrub or a tree your own in the future. With the appropriate pruning measures, hawthorn can be cultivated as a tree or as a shrub.

The later dimensions of the plant should already be taken into account when planting. Older plants can no longer be transplanted without risk, as the long taproots cannot be lifted out of the ground without damaging them. At the site itself, annual pruning can ensure that the plants don't outgrow you and keep the shape you want.

What to consider when cutting hawthorn

First the all clear is given, because the plants tolerate pruning very well. You can decide for yourself whether and how often you want to cut. The hawthorn grows about 70 centimeters in height every year. It not only grows in height, but also in width. If this was not taken into account when planting, only pruning will help.

The regular pruning of the plants primarily serves to achieve a dense and compact growth habit. A distinction is made here as to whether it is a solitary plant or a hedge. Pruning may also be necessary when disease or pests have weakened the plant.

Cutting hawthorn - but how?

The focus is on maintaining the compact growth form of the hawthorn. In addition, experienced hobby gardeners can also practice topiary and theirFor example, cultivate hawthorn in the shape of a cone or a pyramid. However, it often happens that the flower bases are removed, which are located on the longer, perennial shoots.

➔ Tip: The topiary should be cut in summer, immediately after flowering.

The hawthorn blossoms only on older shoots. Cutting back radically will not harm the plant, but will result in no flowers appearing the following year. Flowers do not appear until two-year-old wood.

Form or flower - set priorities

The hawthorn initially grows in a rather conical shape. Older plants appear more rounded. A regular pruning is necessary for the formation of a spherical crown. However, this inevitably leads to the fact that the flower buds are often removed as well. These form on the older, longer shoots that stand in the way of the spherical shape. So it's a matter of setting priorities and enjoying either the rich flowering or the attractive ball shape of the hawthorn.

What cuts are possible?

  • Topiary
  • Conservation cut
  • Grooming Cut

Special features of the individual cutting measures

Pruning MeasureSpecial feature
Topiary▶ If the hawthorn is to have a special shape that deviates from its natural growth form, a topiary is necessary.
▶ With a little patience, the plant can be shaped into a pyramid or a cone.▶ A topiary should be carried out regularly and is at the expense of the flowers, which are often removed in the process.
Conservation cut▶ Maintenance pruning is used to develop and maintain the natural growth habit.
▶ Plant parts that are too close together or branches that are growing inwards are removed.
Grooming Cut▶ A pruning is usually the last resort for the plant, namely when it is attacked by diseases or pests. and can only be saved if all affected parts of the plant are removed.
▶ Radical pruning is often necessary.

What should be considered when trimming hawthorn hedges?

A hawthorn hedge should be cut annually. A closed growth pattern is aimed at. All shoots that are too long or grow inwards and crossways are removed. When trimming a hedge, the top end is particularly important. In order for a hedge to be recognized as such,should be kept at least a meter high. This rather low height also allows you to cut comfortably.

Which criteria are particularly important when cutting hawthorn?

❏ work with a clean pruning tool
❏ do not remove the main shoots
❏ remove the water shoots❏ Remove inward-growing shoots
❏ Remove horny shoots

Is hawthorn poisonous?

The all-clear can be given when cutting, hawthorn is non-toxic. However, one should refrain from consuming the flowers or fruits. In this case, nausea, headaches and other intolerance reactions can occur.

Beware of thorns!

Gloves should still be worn at work, because the hawthorn has quite large thorns, which can pose a risk of injury. Children or pets run the risk of being injured if they come into contact with them and of being lacerated and punctured. Even the hobby gardener is only protected from injuries by wearing gloves.

➔ Tip: To avoid injury from splintered thorns, it is advisable to wear protective goggles when cutting hawthorn.