Caring for fuchsias: This is how fuchsias grow and bloom luxuriantly and magnificently

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Fuchsias are quite undemanding, but they only thrive with the right care. So you'll have to help a little.

The fuchsia is an ideal balcony and container plant for semi-shady to shady locations. Not only do they look beautiful, they are also easy to care for. This is because the plants are quite resilient and do not have great demands. With little effort, you can have lush flowers all summer long. If you overwinter them properly, they will flower beautifully again next year.

This is what the correct location looks like

Choose a semi-shady to shady place for your fuchsias. Locations with morning and late afternoon sun work well. If only a spot in full sun is available, grape-flowered varieties, so-called Triphylla hybrids, are well suited. These varieties tolerate a lot of sun. Other fuchsia species can also do well in a sunny spot if the soil is moist enough.

The leaves are particularly sensitive to sun and heat. If the fuchsia is drooping in leaves, it's a sure sign that it's too hot. By letting the leaves hang down, she protects herself from evaporating even more moisture.

You should consider this when choosing a substrate

Normal potting soil mixed with some sand is ideal for fuchsias. Pots and flower boxes must not be too big, otherwise the fuchsias will not develop strong root balls. About a hand’s breadth around and under the rootstock is good. You can put five to seven plants in a balcony box that is one meter long. Fuchsia species with overhanging shoots in a hanging basket are also very beautiful.

Insert the young plants, fill in soil around the root ball and gently press down on the substrate. Then water moderately. Tubs and boxes that stand in the sun should not be dark or black. The heat accumulates in such containers, which the fuchsias do not like at all. The plants can then go outside after the ice saints.

How to properly care for fuchsias

❍ casting:

Pour with lime-free water as neededwater or rainwater. Do not use cold water, nor do you ever put cold water on a dry root ball on a hot day. It is best to water in the evening - check beforehand whether the soil is still moist. The top layer should be slightly dry. Plants need more water on hot days. Now you can water in the morning and in the evening. Plus, fuchsias love spraying the leaves with water in hot, dry weather.

Loose leaves tell you: it's definitely too hot for the fuchsia. Watering doesn't help at all, because the roots can't absorb any water at the moment. As soon as the environment cools down, the leaves straighten up again. Then you can water.

❍ Fertilize:

Regular fertilization, about every two weeks, ensures many flowers. Fertilizer sticks, which you simply put into the ground, are suitable for this. Liquid fertilizer that is low in phosphorus is also good. Mix the liquid fertilizer into the irrigation water and never fertilize dry plants. The fertilizer is better absorbed and distributed when the soil is slightly moist. Reading tip: Fertilize fuchsias - 5 methods for the right nutrient supply presented.

❍ Break out shoot tips:

You will get dense fuchsia plants if you break off the shoot tips. In early spring, remove soft, not yet lignified shoot tips. Two to three more shoots then form at these points.

❍ Remove Faded:

It is best to remove faded parts regularly, namely the inflorescences and the ovary. Also heavily woody, dry twigs. Check the plants for any pest infestation. Fuchsias are not particularly susceptible, but aphids and red and white spiders occasionally appear.