Planting and caring for yellow daffodils

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Yellow daffodils are a must in any garden. Because they are among the flowers that herald spring. Read here how to grow and care for them.

Yellow daffodils (Narcissus) are popularly known as daffodils and count, along with crocuses. If you plant the flower bulbs in the ground in autumn, you can look forward to a sea of yellow flowers next spring. I will now explain step by step exactly what you need to consider when planting daffodils.

Planting Daffodils - Instructions

Daffodils can be planted in the front yard, but also in pots or window boxes. However, I will focus on outdoor planting for this guide.

» Location and soil

Easter bells prefer a very sunny location and a soil that is as moist as possible, preferably wet and rich in clay. The daffodils can even remain here for several years, although they shrink more and more in their growth height - from around 40 centimeters. Daffodils go very well with rhododendrons, in the bed but also with hostas and in combination with crocuses, snowdrops and hyacinths on any meadow or in the front yard.

» Planting daffodils - step by step

From the end of September / beginning of October of the previous year, daffodils or flower bulbs are planted in the ground.

  1. If you haven't already done so in spring, enrich the soil with compost.
  2. The bulbs of the daffodils are then stuck into the ground at a distance of 5 cm - the pointed end (shoot) points upwards.
  3. As a rule of thumb: the planting depth should be about 3 times as deep as the bulb is tall.
  4. Finally cover the bulbs lightly with soil.

The bulbs stay in the ground during the winter months until they start to sprout in spring.

Daffodils - flowering and care

» heyday

Easter bells bloom from March to April, sometimes even into the first days of May. If it's very dry outside during this time, you'll need to water the daffodils regularly because they need a relatively high amount of moisture.

» Use daffodils as cut flowers

The yellow daffodil is suitablevery good as a cut flower for the flower vase. If the flower head droops during the day, you should cut the flower slightly again and leave it as cool as possible overnight.

» Fertilize and multiply daffodils

The daffodils do not necessarily have to be fertilized outdoors. Except in spring, when the soil is already prepared for autumn and enriched with fresh compost. After flowering (somewhat from April) you can also provide the daffodils with a low-phosphate, quickly soluble complete fertilizer.

Daffodils can be propagated with seeds, but this is very time-consuming. It's quicker and easier if you simply divide the bulbs, which form lush clumps over the years. Pull the clumps out of the ground, shake off the soil a little and separate the smaller bulbs by hand. This procedure can be helpful whenever the bulbs stop blooming over the years.

» Cut daffodils

If the flowers of the daffodils have withered and the leaves have died, you should cut them back completely.

» Attention: Daffodils are poisonous, especially the bulbs. Ingestion can lead to symptoms of poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, cramps and signs of paralysis.

Daffodils - useful information at a glance

Until when can you plant daffodils?

Daffodils are usually planted from the end of September / beginning of October. If the weather cooperates and the ground is not yet frosty, you can still plant daffodils in November.

Daffodils and daffodils - what's the difference?

There are different types of daffodils, the most popular being white and yellow daffodils. The latter are also known as daffodils.

Are daffodils poisonous?

Unfortunately yes, because daffodils belong to the amaryllis family, which in turn contain alkaloids. The entire narcissus is poisonous, but mainly the bulb. Contact with the plant sap can cause skin irritation. If the flower bulb is mistaken for the onion and eaten, symptoms of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, symptoms of paralysis) occur.

Can you plant daffodils and tulips together?

We advise against this because tulips and daffodils prefer very different locations. While the soil for tulips should be rather dry, daffodils like a moist to wet location.

Can you put daffodils and tulips in a vase?

Unfortunately, that gets the tulipsnot so well, because the daffodils secrete a secretion that clogs the stems of the tulips (and other cut flowers). However, there is a trick to make it work: soak the daffodils separately in water for 24 hours, then wash the stalks and place them next to the tulips. Do not cut stems first!

Can you cut back daffodils?

If the flowering period is over and the daffodils are no longer attractive, you can cut them back. But wait until the leaves are completely withered before cutting back completely.