Torch lilies enrich the garden with their splendor of colour, but the right location is extremely important when planting the perennial.
Anyone who frequently visits parks and walks in public gardens has certainly noticed the popular torch lily (Kniphofia) - because it is particularly popular here. The magnificent color experience that it offers not only inspires lovers of the plant - its decorative nature is also used by hobby gardeners who want to freshen up the color spectrum in their garden. In its various subspecies, the torch lily can develop bright red and orange tones, but also white and green nuances. The blossom looks anything but similar to conventional flowers - because, as the name suggests, the blossom of the torch lily is structured like a torch. The torch lily requires a lot of care, but it also needs special attention when planting.
Buy torch lily - tips for choosing
The torch lily, often referred to as rocket flower, is now available in a number of subspecies that are readily bought and planted all over the world. Before you buy, you should know that most strains can grow more than 80cm tall and are also very spreading. In addition to strong stems, the torch lilies also have foliage that also grows somewhat taller and resembles tall grasses. Incidentally, the plant, which belongs to the asphodel family, is usually perennial and evergreen, so that it can survive the winter with its beautiful foliage. The flowers themselves usually do not appear until June and last until October, allowing the owner to enjoy them for a long time. Incidentally, there are also dwarf varieties of the torch lily for sale that reach significantly less than 70cm in height and are therefore ideal for smaller gardens or for keeping in pots.
Plant torch lily - choice of location
Whether in a park, in a public garden or on your own property: if a torch lily is to be planted, a suitable location must be selected for it that can well meet its conditions. In terms of location and soil conditions, the torch lily is a little more demanding than many other garden plants. She longs for a wind-protected location andneeds a sunny spot to thrive and develop flowers. At the same time, it is very important for the torch lily that the soil does not become too dry in summer - in winter, on the other hand, it should not be too wet. The torch lily does not tolerate both extremes, as this would damage its root ball.
The splendor of the torch lily appears all the more impressive in summer when it is exposed to the ideal soil conditions: if the soil is humus-rich, fresh and only slightly damp, but also very nutrient-rich, a very squat, dense plant emerges that blooms brightly in summer Plant that really competes with all other flowering plants. The torch lily also likes soil with a lot of lime and sand - but other conditions don't usually bother it either.
Successful planting of torch lilies
If you want to successfully plant the torch lily in the garden so that it will appear in all its bloom again the following year, you should also consider and observe a few things. For example, a good time of year to plant in the garden is spring, as it gives them a year-round opportunity to take root and get enough nutrients until winter approaches and they have to brave the cold temperatures. Once you have decided on a location that can meet the needs of the torch lily, is nice and sunny and protects as well as possible from the wind, the actual planting begins:
❶ Dig planting hole
First, a large planting hole is dug that is slightly larger than the root ball itself. The roots should neither bend over nor be pressed together when inserted. If this is the case, the planting hole must be widened further before it is planted.
❷ Prepare the ground
Once the planting hole has reached a good size, the soil in and around it must be loosened up and made more permeable. For this it is sufficient to loosen the soil a little with the rake and rearrange it. At the same time, a little compost can be brought into the soil to enrich the area around the plant with many nutrients.
❸ Plant Torch Lily
Now the planting hole is provided with a thin layer of planting substrate before the plant itself is planted and then planted with a mixture of the excavated soil and the planting substrate. Treading is not necessary, the soil should remain as permeable as possible, so it is sufficient to bring it together with your hands.
❹ Water the plant
Now the torch lily is watered lightly, but the soil must not become bloated or appear wet. Waterlogging must be avoided at all costs, and before each further watering it must be checked how dry the soil really is. If it still appears wet, watering can wait. Slight drought is more tolerable for the plant than waterlogging. In winter, therefore, care must be taken to ensure that snow and rainwater do not build up and accumulate around the plant - otherwise it could rot from the inside out.
Torch light pros and cons
✔ tolerates different soil conditions
✔ can be planted in a sunny place
✔ is perennial and mostly evergreen
✔ survives the winter even in frost and sub-zero temperatures
✔ only moderate watering necessary
✔ tolerates lime and sand very well
✘ needs a sheltered location
✘ needs very permeable soil, does not tolerate waterlogging
✘ if the soil is not permeable enough, the plant rots quickly
✘ should only be planted in spring
Although the torch lily has some requirements, it is not difficult to plant it properly and grow it so that it will give many years of pleasure. The fact that the plant only needs to be watered moderately is even a plus point for many, as it saves work. Even a little compost as fertilizer is often enough for the plant, so that you don't have to pay much more attention to when planting than making the soil permeable and choosing the right location.