Use gabions as a privacy screen


Anyone who owns a garden will sooner or later want to have a corresponding privacy screen. How about using gabions as privacy screens.

Gabions fit into any environment
Of course there are many ways to create a privacy screen. If you want to plant a hedge, it will take many years before the protection is the way you envisioned it. If you take climbing plants, they often overgrow everything quickly, but they either have to grow again every year or they overgrow uncontrollably over time. A wooden fence is not always so pretty and does not appeal to everyone. Then there would be the so-called gabions, which fit into any environment as privacy screens and are quick to erect.

Gabions do not need a foundation
Gabions are lattice frames filled with stones. You've probably seen something like this before. These gabions were originally used for roadside embankments, but now they can be found more and more in our gardens. The advantage: You don't need a foundation and you can set them up in even the smallest frame. The perfect privacy screen for any garden.