Do you have a garden pond? Then you should think about getting some crabs for the garden pond. These animals keep the water clean.
Crabs keep the water clean
Since the crabs always keep the water in the pond nice and clean, it means that you can save a lot of money with them, because you no longer have to clean the pond as often and you can do without pumps or filters. Of course, it always depends on how big your pond is and how many crabs you want to house.
Crayfish do not need to be fed
For a pond size of about five square meters, the expert recommends using four crabs, ideally with two pairs of crabs. If the pond is larger, one additional crab can be expected per square meter of water surface. The crabs eat organic material. They eat dead fish lying on the bottom of the pond and they feed on leaves that fall into the water and algae. This keeps the pond water cleaner, which is he althier for the fish.
Building Shelters
To prevent the crabs from walking in the garden, build a small fence around the pond that they cannot climb over. Create enough shelter for the animals in the garden pond. Stones, roots, clay pipes, etc. are best suited.