Setting up a bird feeder actually sounds pretty easy. But you can make a lot of mistakes. There is a lot to consider here.

In order to attract birds to the bird feeder, you have to pay attention to a few things, because you can make a lot of mistakes when choosing the location alone. However, if you take a few points into account when setting up the birdhouse, you will certainly soon have a large number of visitors and you will be able to observe many birds.
How to set up the bird feeder correctly
❶ choose the right bird feeder:
Even when buying a bird feeder, you have to consider a few things. It is best to choose one made of the most robust material possible, after all it is outside day and night during the cold season and has to withstand rain, snow and ice. For example, impregnated wood is best. Of course, you can also build a bird feeder yourself. For example a plastic bottle. There are of course many other options.
❷ ensure a safe stand/hold:
If the bird feeder is on a pole, make sure that the whole construction stands on stable feet and does not tip over at the slightest breeze. If the site is uneven or the ground is very soft, it is advisable to anchor the house to the ground.
There are also hanging bird feeders. Here, however, you should make sure that they can be firmly attached to trees or walls so that they cannot fall down in a storm.
❸ free view and protection for birds:
In addition to caring for the birds in winter, a bird feeder is also a beautiful sight forBird lovers who want to observe and identify the many animals. So here you have to strike a balance between an unobstructed view of the bird feeder and adequate shelter and escape for the birds, which need to flee quickly when threatened by cats and other hunters.
For example, a location near bushes or trees so that birds can quickly fly into the branches and hide if necessary provides adequate shelter. Nearby does not mean right next to bushes and trees. Choose the distance so that hunters such as cats, martens and the like cannot climb the tree and reach the house from there. In addition, the location must be sheltered from the wind. At the same time, you also need to be careful not to hide the cottage too far to have a clear view of it yourself.