Herb spirals are extremely popular. However, fresh herbs can only be harvested if the herbs have been planted correctly beforehand.

There's nothing better than using fresh herbs from the garden for cooking, right? There are several ways to plant herbs. Whether in a bed or in simple pots - whatever you like is allowed. However, the "herb spiral" variant is particularly popular.
The snail-shaped planting opportunities not only look extremely attractive in the garden, they also offer the opportunity to regularly harvest fresh herbs at a comfortable height. However, you will only be successful with the harvest if the herbs are planted correctly.
Four seasons - four herb zones in the spiral
Although herbs usually all have a single purpose, plants differ in their needs.
Therefore, you should always divide a herb spiral into four zones based on the site conditions:
» Mediterranean Zone
This is the top part of the herb spiral. The sun is particularly strong here and the earth dries out quickly. Sand and lime permeate the earth. Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary, sage or thyme belong in this section.
» Normal Zone
Although this area is dry, the herbs tend to grow in the shade. The soil is no longer mixed with too much sand, but needs humus. You can plant oregano, coriander or lemon balm in this section.
» Humid Zone
Compost soil and substrate that retains moisture for a long time are needed in this section. The soil is always moist and gives the herbs everything they need. The zone is perfect for chives or parsley.
» Wet Zone
As the name suggests, this section is very humid. Not infrequently, a small pond can be created around this zone. Water mint or watercress will thrive here.
Which herbs should you not choose?
You have to select the herbs to be planted according to your needs and make sure you always use the right planting zoneto choose. However, not every herb can be placed in the spiral. Herbs with a large growth height or deep and long roots are not suitable. This includes the lovage. If you also want to plant herbs that are not considered hardy, you should leave the herbs in their pots so that you can dig them up completely later.