Growing chicory - explained step by step

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Growing chicory is quite laborious, but not difficult. To enjoy the vitamin-rich winter lettuce, all you have to do is follow a few basic rules of cultivation.
You hardly ever see chicory growing in a garden these days. The reason for this is very simple: growing chicory is a bit time-consuming. Nevertheless, there is no reason to completely keep your hands off it and do without chicory. You just have to be a little patient, then it will also work with the chicory cultivation. Once you've done it, you'll surely get the hang of it.

How to grow chicory correctly

❶ Prepare soil:

Grow your chicory in a partially shaded to full sun spot. The more sunlight the plants get, the better they will thrive. The soil should be fresh and loose and provide an adequate supply of nutrients. By adding fresh compost before sowing, you create the best conditions for lush growth.

❷ Sow chicory:

Sow chicory in mid to late May. Keep a row spacing of around 30 centimeters and a sowing depth of 2 to 3 centimeters. After sowing, moisten the soil regularly, but do not overdo it. The seeds must not float in standing water.

❸ Separating and caring for chicory:

Around four weeks after sowing, the chicory is large and strong enough to be isolated. You can sort out puny or sickly specimens straight away. The distance between the he althy plants must be at least 10 centimeters. During the coming months you will need to water the chicory regularly. Standing wetness is to be avoided, as is prolonged dryness.

If you have enriched the soil with compost or another nutrient-rich substrate in spring, further additions of fertilizer are not absolutely necessary. In summer, however, the chicory is happy to accept a moderate supply of horn shavings. Horn meal is even better.

❹ Pull out roots and leave:

Pull the roots out of the ground in the fall. It is advisable to proceed in stages from mid-September to mid-November. The advantage: in winter you canharvest chicory for a full two months. Then leave the roots above the ground for a few days to give the nutrients time to move from the leaves into the roots. After a week at the latest, cut off the leaves with a sharp knife.

❺ Drive and harvest chicory:

Fill a bucket or plastic tub with garden soil and stick the roots in. The interfaces of the sheets must protrude a little above. Then take the tub to a completely dark place with temperatures between 12 and 18°C. Keep the substrate regularly moist for the next 22 to 28 days. During this time, the roots will sprout again and provide you with the freshly harvested chicory. You can see what the whole thing looks like here:

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