Many plants have really unusual names. Do you know, for example, the Bleeding Heart? This is a beautiful flower that will thrive when planted correctly.
When you hear the name Bleeding Heart, you might think it's a movie or book title. In reality, it is a plant. It is also known as Heartflower or Flaming Heart. Bleeding heart because the flowers are heart-shaped and form a "teardrop" when they open. And that is exactly what happens from May to the end of June. The plant then retreats into the ground.
The special feature:
Once the Bleeding Heart blooms, you'll soon see it quickly wither and die. At least that's what it looks like. But the plant dies only superficially. The roots remain intact and wait there until next spring. So you don't have to be afraid that the plant will die if it turns yellow and apparently withers in early summer. This is normal for the Bleeding Heart. You can compare this with the flower bulbs of tulips, hyacinths and daffodils, which also wither above ground after flowering.
Our tip:
Note well or mark the spot where the Bleeding Heart is planted. Not that you accidentally damage or tear out the roots when raking because you can't see the plant above ground.
Planting a bleeding heart in the garden
If you would like to bring the Bleeding Heart into your garden, you must first think about the right location. In its original home, the plant thrives in bright, semi-shady places. So offer the plant a place like this in your garden. It is best to plant the Bleeding Heart in the light shade of trees or taller perennials.
As for soil, the Flaming Heart requires loose, humus-rich soil. The rainwater or irrigation water must be able to run off here without any problems, but still store some moisture. The soil should therefore be slightly calcareous, as it stores moisture better that way.
Is the right place for thisBleeding heart found, you should plant it in the garden in the spring. This is the optimal time, as the plant will already retreat back into the ground in August. Until then, the Bleeding Heart has enough time to grow well. However, do not plant until mid-April, when there is hardly any chance of frost.
Once you have planted the Bleeding Heart in the garden, it is important that you water it regularly. But not too much, otherwise the plant could rot. Should frost come again, then always cover the Bleeding Heart with a clay pot or some garden fleece.
Caution: the Bleeding Heart is poisonous!
If you plant the Bleeding Heart in the garden, take care of it or just want to touch it, always wear gloves. All parts of the plant are poisonous. If you have pets or children who could easily get hold of the plant, then it is better not to put it in your garden in the first place. Read here which other plants are poisonous.