Video: Cleaning and maintaining a chainsaw - Instructions & Tips


The chainsaw is probably one of a man's favorite tools. Here you can really let off steam and secretly become a small child again. Chainsaws are not cheap. Between 100 and 700 euros are possible depending on the manufacturer and performance. Of course, there are rarely any upper limits. Such an expensive tool should last as many years as possible. However, this is only possible if the chainsaw is regularly cleaned and serviced. Not doing this will not only make it less effective to work with, but serious damage may occur.

How do you care for and maintain your beloved sweetheart? Mrrfrohtagius shows very detailed video instructions on his Husquarna 353. He not only explains how to clean the chain ring and air filter, but also how a chain must be properly tensioned and treated. A very detailed video with lots of tips for caring for chainsaws.

These video instructions apply not only to Husquarna chainsaws, but also to all other models.