Chopping down a tree is easier said than done. So that nothing goes wrong, here are step-by-step instructions on how to proceed.

If a tree in the garden has to be felled from time to time, this should only be done in winter. If only because the growth of the tree (the so-called sap) rests in winter. This also applies to conifers. In addition, the branches of large deciduous trees are easier to recognize in winter because there are no longer any leaves hanging from them. This has the advantage that the tree can be felled more easily. In addition, no birds breed in the tree in winter.
Some municipalities and cities have a tree protection statute that regulates the felling of trees in your own garden - you must take this into account! Incidentally, in some federal states, trees may only be felled if you have attended a chainsaw course - you then need a certificate! Otherwise, you should hire a gardening contractor or forestry company to do this job.
When should a tree be felled?
Is the garden too small for a big tree? Does it grow beyond measure, i.e. can you no longer trim it properly? Then this tree must be felled! You should always wear appropriate protective equipment such as chainsaw protection pants and chainsaw protection boots, forestry helmet - a helmet with hearing protection and eye protection, etc.
Cut down a tree - step by step instructions
If you want to fell a large tree, you should cut it piece by piece. Because if you just saw off the tree, you could do a lot of damage in the garden.
Step 1:
First you have to cut off the thick branches and remove them as soon as possible. You can take the branches to a green waste dump, for example. Extremely thick branches can of course still be used as firewood. You can use sticks from the fir trees to cover roses, for example. You can also use the brushwood for a nice winter decoration.
Step 2:
Then you should remove the crown of the tree and transport it away.
Step 3:
Now cut the tree trunk into several meter piecessaw off You should always attach heavy parts with a rope to secure them.
Step 4:
You can then easily process the felled tree into kindling.